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How does the election affect military aviation?


Super Moderator
.......why in the HELL do you want to be a serving Officer in the U.S. military......??? I mean, as a military officer you're gonna have a very lonely and unsatisfying road to travel, assuming you are not just a troll and hang around this fine website for the "sport" of it. You're not going to make many "friends" amongst your contemporaries. Some deluded souls, perhaps ... just not "many".

Maybe to serve his country. It takes all types you know.

It depends on what he is like in real life, not the internets. I have friends in and out of the military of all persuasions, many who I vehemently disagree with when it comes to politics, but we are still friends. Politics is generally something I don't talk about with my contemporaries at work anyways, I have enough real work to worry about. But I have known people of all political stripes ,rabid libertarians to lefty types, and as long as the politics don't color everything they do it is rarely an issue. And shockingly enough, I still have a lot of friends from my Navy career, and my current one. And most have no clue to my politics, which is the way I like it.

My favorite color is "blue" ... but that doesn't mean I vote "blue" nor does it mean I'm a damn fool and don't know reality from the "party line" ... by the way, the democrat party of today is not democrat -- it's socialist & leftist. Now that's opinion... :)

I really have to laugh when people claim that today's Democratic party is socialist. There are a few nuts out there, even some in office, that may want socialism but it just is not on the radar of any serious politician in this country. It is a disservice to socialists out there to call the Democrats that, especially with the experience of the last few weeks in mind. And I know that you could pull some examples of some people calling for the nationalization of this or that, but that is nothing but political hot air by a tiny handful that will not translate into any action. Believe it!


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
E We can vilify the opposition party (Democrat or Republican) all day long...but in the end they are loyal, patriotic AMERICANS, too.

I agree that a rough, partisan style of debate is nothing new. I have always believe that there never were "good old days," that for the most part the level of suck has remained relatively constant throughout modern times.

The difference between, for example, single-payer health care and employer- or individual sponsored health care is a matter of opinion. I would say that advocates of a single-payer system are wrong, but not unpatriotic.

When elected leaders say things such as, "...this war is lost," and then try to ensure that the statement becomes true, then I would contend that their loyalty is not to their country, but to their party, and their patriotism can be fairly called into question.


Super Moderator
When elected leaders say things such as, "...this war is lost," and then try to ensure that the statement becomes true, then I would contend that their loyalty is not to their country, but to their party, and their patriotism can be fairly called into question.

How is that different than saying "We are winning the war..." and knowing it is not true?


Retired Cryptologic Warfare / Naval Flight Officer
When elected leaders say things such as, "...this war is lost," and then try to ensure that the statement becomes true, then I would contend that their loyalty is not to their country, but to their party, and their patriotism can be fairly called into question.

Phrog, I know what you're saying...and the beauty of this country of ours is that you are free to question someone's patriotism...and vote accordingly.

However, playing the devil's advocate (mainly because it's fun to stir the pot sometimes and also m0tballie or whatever this name is does a rather ham-fisted job of it:icon_tong)...

If that politician really does think the war is lost...that we are now throwing good money after bad money and that continued action in Iraq is detrimental to the greater good of the country...is he/she truly unpatriotic? Or just misguided? Or, like every other single politician...crassly opportunistic?

Extending the argument (and undoubtedly getting even more folks upset)...was Eisenhower disloyal or unpatriotic for agreeing to an armistice in Korea...and was Nixon disloyal for ending the Vietnam war?

Answer...no. But at the time, who wanted to be the one to say that all the lives lost or ruined in the course of those wars were...for lack of a better way to say it...for nought?

(I just choked back bile in the back of my throat since I realize that I've basically compared DDE to the current House Speaker...but patriotism is a hard thing to pin down for me.)

Finally, the very difficulty of knowing when to say "enough is enough" during a war is the primary reason why a nation better make damn sure a war is necessary and be ready to face the bitterness that conflict always brings.

I should take a few shots for this post...and that's okay, I'm a big boy. Some folks see less gray as they age...some see more. And I don't believe in simple answers or simple motivations.

How long do we allow all the king's horses and all the king's men to continue to try?


War sometimes is like a bad poker night. You just have to know when to quit and count your loss or better still have a lot of money to go through the night.

The Chief

...irregardless ....

Would you say that about the Health and Human Services budget, which is the largest item in the Federal budget, or will that one grow significantly? At the expense of the Defense Budget?

Irregardless, while indeed a valid word, usage is generally not accepted. Suggest use regardless instead. Just my .02c


Maybe to serve his country. It takes all types you know. ..... Believe it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I got that part ... the only question is: why do you/did YOU feel the need to answer my question FOR the kid ??? For m0t ??? Did he PM you and say he'd rather YOU answer ... ?? :confused::)

It couldn't be that you're trying to justify something or convince "us" (or you?) of something a little more "personal".... ??? :)

I know, I know, let's do this: ... to be evenhanded, why don't we just let the kid -- m0t -- answer for YOU ... ??:D

Is this a great country, or what ... ???


Former Rhino Bro
I hate pep rallies. Either way.




Super Moderator
Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I got that part ... the only question is: why do you/did YOU feel the need to answer my question FOR the kid ??? For m0t ???

I felt compelled to interject myself in the conversation, how shocking. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about giving your two cents whenever you want, would you? :icon_tong

It couldn't be that you're trying to justify something or convince "us" (or you?) of something a little more "personal".... ??? :)

Convince you? Others here? Well, if you really think that you are that important to me.......:icon_roll

I dislike it when people make declarative statements like "How do you think you will be able to serve if you believe ABCD or X?". I have served with all manner of people who serve their country because they want to, not because they subscribe to a particular political belief or ideology. I haven't met any communists or fascists in the military or my current job, but probably just about everyone political stripe in between.

As for justifying something......well, if someone thinks they know me from the internet they are sorely mistaken. The only person who I have to make peace with every night is myself, not any of you internet junkies. ;)

I know, I know, let's do this: ... to be evenhanded, why don't we just let the kid -- m0t -- answer for YOU ... ??:D

I guess I just couldn't keep my trap shut. Humph, that never happens with anyone here.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
To get back to the original question, the biggest and most immediate change you will see is that the pictures at the top of the "Chain of Command" roster boards will all be changed on Inauguration Day.
Keep showing up for work. There will be plenty of it. Take no counsel of your fears in that regard.
V/R, Spike