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How long are you waiting to class up for API?


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
OHARP is not a bad gig, if you can do it. Probably not waiting in A-pool, since they need you there just in case, but maybe later on in the VT's. I did it between primary and advanced, and basically got me 3 weeks of free leave to go home. I worked a total of about 3 days, as the office I went to really just considered it a good deal for me and didn't really need anyone anyway. I filled about 1000 envelopes of fliers, stamped them, threw them in a box my buddy had at his house, brought them back to the recruiter office at the end, and called it a TAD. Funny thing is that about a week later, the box showed back up at my buddies house with all the envelopes. Apparently the clerk at the recruiting office forgot to open the thing and send the letters out individually, so it got mailed back to the address that was originally written on the box. So basically my entire time there was for naught.

Eh, it depends. I got sent to work for some HR type who had maybe an hour's worth of work for me a day, but insisted I stay there all day long. Needless to say after a couple weeks I went back to my ROTC unit. I only took the job in the first place because originally I was told I would go to Pcola within a month after graduation and I wanted the time to wrap up some stuff at home. I ended up waiting 5 months after graduation to report.
Bottom line, if your ROTC unit is awesome, stay there for stash jobs, unless you have some pressing reason to go somewhere else.


is clara ship
Eh, it depends. I got sent to work for some HR type who had maybe an hour's worth of work for me a day, but insisted I stay there all day long. Needless to say after a couple weeks I went back to my ROTC unit. I only took the job in the first place because originally I was told I would go to Pcola within a month after graduation and I wanted the time to wrap up some stuff at home. I ended up waiting 5 months after graduation to report.
Bottom line, if your ROTC unit is awesome, stay there for stash jobs, unless you have some pressing reason to go somewhere else.

Good point, and I know others who didn't have such a "good deal" OHARP experience as well. I should have caveated my previous with it being a big "maybe"


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
If I remember correctly, you get three travel days enroute to PCola from Newps. As long as you check in before your the NLT date on your orders, you'll be fine. Anything past the three days counts against your accrued leave (8 days from 12 weeks in Newport...). But use it if you need it, as you'll have shit to do once you check into Schools Command. There's a lot of bad gouge floating around Newport with respect to checking into API.


Well-Known Member
Good point, and I know others who didn't have such a "good deal" OHARP experience as well. I should have caveated my previous with it being a big "maybe"
I always remembered to take care of the Ensigns that were back working for me, if there was work for them to do great, if not I told them not to come in, and I make sure they know to take advantage of time off because somewhere down the road there are always long days, this way it kind of balances out.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I don't understand the logic of looking for "good deals" while in A-Pool, considering A-Pool is the last, best good deal you'll get in the Navy. Your entire job consists of showing up for ten minutes in reasonably presentable uniform, spending the rest of the day not getting arrested or hospitalized, and picking up a fairly handsome paycheck while you're at it.

There are other ways to spend your time, but as noted, it can blow up in your face. Take advantage of your khakis ability to blend into the beige paint, spend some time yogging and keep your nose clean.
Has there been much word on an API slowdown due to the soon incoming flow of ROTC and Academy? Is there seasonal changes that seem to apply?


United Airlines
18 months wait for me. Oh he'll nevermind that was part of the T-notch years. Still in the RAG when I promoted to LT. Now those days are long gone huh Bunk

Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2


is clara ship
18 months wait for me. Oh he'll nevermind that was part of the T-notch years. Still in the RAG when I promoted to LT. Now those days are long gone huh Bunk

Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2

Still somewhat standard for the Hornet RAGs. I was one of the few guys to go through mine and patch as a JG at the time.

Erin M.

Well-Known Member
I get it; you're anxious to start. However, you have a great deal right now. You're basically on leave and getting paid for it. Use this time to get your finances set up for success, to get in great shape, study if you want, and have fun. There are Marines in my API class that went through TBS back in 2009 and 2010. They were sent to Infantry Officer's Course (hell on earth if you don't already know) and were then deployed to Afghanistan as Infantry Platoon Commanders before coming down here. When it comes to large mass training evolutions, there is always going to be a wait. Just roll with it because you aren't going to be able to change it.


I had 4 months before API and 6 months before Advanced. The Coast Guard ran out of money. Best 10 months of my life...can't believe I got paid O-2/O-3 money to go on trips, drink beer, play golf, and bang my wife.


Richard Hardshaft
Son just reported to Pensacola today. He was told that "all" single guys go to Corpus for primary (less one or two to Vance each class) and the married guys "all" go to Whiting. Is that true? Are there still 3 primary VT squadrons @ Whiting and only 1 in Corpus? If so, is the ratio of married to single that skewed, or are ther stray cats and dogs needing to get factored in as well, like foreign students? He is using that statement as rationale for getting a place at the beach or a more enjoyable location, but I'm cautioning him to get something in town or on Scenic Highway to keep a realistic commute if sent to Whiting. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
3 squadrons at Whiting, 2 at Corpus. I don't know how big the Corpus squadrons are, so I can't speak to ratios of students. However, the general rule of thumb is the all married guys go to Whiting and the rest are spilt up between the two cities. There are single folks at Whiting. Generally, he should know where he is going the first day or two of API. East side of Pensacola is your best bet if you don't know where you are going afterwards.