No point in worrying about it. Just going off the trends from my time instructin' there - you're coming aboard at the busiest time of the year for A-Pool (the USNA and ROTC kids all start showing up in July). You'll most likely be pooled for a few months. Don't sweat it, enjoy the paid time off, stay out of trouble and be ready for the PRT when you class up.
CountryHood sucks. Despite what you may read in some blogs, there's no merit to living in a shanty. I'm certain there's lots of students looking for roomies, and you can actually stack up more cheddar that way than living in a shithole on your own. My advice is to plan on camping at the Q for a week or two and look for roomie openings.
CountryHood sucks. Despite what you may read in some blogs, there's no merit to living in a shanty. I'm certain there's lots of students looking for roomies, and you can actually stack up more cheddar that way than living in a shithole on your own. My advice is to plan on camping at the Q for a week or two and look for roomie openings.