Can't blame the people for being unhappy about the higher NSS. On the plus side, it seemed to bind the classes together a bit more (a 'they are trying to screw us all, so lets band together' sort of thing) ... but on the other side, it did anger the 2nd half of 04 pilots that not all 04 pilots have to put up with it. I mean - it was the entire FY04 year that was too big, not just the second half, right? Fair? No and it will leave a bitter taste in many of our mouths for a while to come ... but that is life.
I do agree, though, that the med hold 04 guys shouldn't get out of the higher NSS if the reason would be just because they are in class with 05 guys. That would just promote tactical med downs. Why would I put myself through harder academics now when I can "get sick" and get out of it all together. Not saying any of you did that, but there is nothing to prevent people from doing it if straglers are held to the old standard because this all blew over.
Unfortunately the navy had to draw a line somewhere, and someone with stars and/or a phd decided that API would be a good place to do it. While it is likely in large part due to $, whoever made the decision decided that it was worth it to cut people in API without seeing other aspects of their aviation abilities. So effectively - yes - they decided that API academics are a sign of how you will do as an aviator. Fair? Maybe not ... but again - that is just the way it is, and we all have to deal with that.