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how many FY04/03/02's left in A-pool?

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Prashant Patel

Registered User
Hold me to the 04 standards, thats fine with me. I've got 3 '04 roommates in API, I see all the time and effort they put into studying so they can meet that 42.5 NSS. I'll do the same. I don't care if I'm the only 04 in my API class; just let me start and get it over with already.


Registered User
I understand the animosity, I just don't see the point in verbalizing it the way Venom did. And I agree with Zippy, if you guys were in my position, you'd be hoping not to be held to the same standards as well. If I have to pull a 42.5, I'll do it.


New Member
Sorry guys, I am not trying to be a jerk. I guess if I were in your shoes I would be hoping for the lower standard. Regardless, good luck to the rest of the '04 SNAs who haven't gone through API!

Zippy, I also have many friends that have attrited. Some of them just had bad luck, and I feel the others were a question of desire to be a pilot. There were definitely factors that contributed to them being unsuccessful, which could have been avoided. I'm sure there are good flyers out there who aren't good at taking tests, and I think this situation sucks for them.


Supply Officer
Can't blame the people for being unhappy about the higher NSS. On the plus side, it seemed to bind the classes together a bit more (a 'they are trying to screw us all, so lets band together' sort of thing) ... but on the other side, it did anger the 2nd half of 04 pilots that not all 04 pilots have to put up with it. I mean - it was the entire FY04 year that was too big, not just the second half, right? Fair? No and it will leave a bitter taste in many of our mouths for a while to come ... but that is life.

I do agree, though, that the med hold 04 guys shouldn't get out of the higher NSS if the reason would be just because they are in class with 05 guys. That would just promote tactical med downs. Why would I put myself through harder academics now when I can "get sick" and get out of it all together. Not saying any of you did that, but there is nothing to prevent people from doing it if straglers are held to the old standard because this all blew over.

Unfortunately the navy had to draw a line somewhere, and someone with stars and/or a phd decided that API would be a good place to do it. While it is likely in large part due to $, whoever made the decision decided that it was worth it to cut people in API without seeing other aspects of their aviation abilities. So effectively - yes - they decided that API academics are a sign of how you will do as an aviator. Fair? Maybe not ... but again - that is just the way it is, and we all have to deal with that.


New Member
If I am not mistaken they were also attriting people from Primary, so therefor the first half of '04 SNAs that breezed through API did not get away scott free.


diverkr said:
If I am not mistaken they were also attriting people from Primary, so therefor the first half of '04 SNAs that breezed through API did not get away scott free.

They always attrite people from primary, that isn't anything new, but i don't think they raised the NSS standards for attriting 04s in primary. Just because you made it through API with above a 42.5 NSS doesn't mean they won't attrite you in Primary.


New Member
I know they attrite people out of Primary. What I meant, is that I think they raised the NSS in Primary too, for a while.


damn homeowners' associations
No, they didn't raise the NSS for primary like they did at API. I started primary in Feb and we're held to the same standards as the guys before us, the NSS thing was only at API.


Registered User
The way I understood it, if they didn't hit their attrition goal, then the standards for the 04's would be raised in primary, but last I heard, they only needed to attrite 11 more and there were still 4 or 5 04 classes going through.

Prashant Patel

Registered User
Looks like I'm classin' up this Friday (with the 04 NSS of 42.5). Finally ! I wish there was another 04 in my class though, but no big deal.


Registered User
Good luck. So far only 1 out of 3 of my 04 buddies made it. There's another still in class. 2 of those guys had the same weighted average on the exams, but one guy had an outstanding high on the pfa and the other just had a good. They were both under the 42.5, but once the pfa was figured in, it put the outstanding high guy at 43. So run hard Monday.


Registered User
can you gimme a little more info about the initial prt and swim screening? I heard the trails pretty rough and I'm definitely not used to the heat down there...I've been up here in upstate NY for 2 years and I know the heat and humidity is gonna humble me significantly when I do the run. Isnt the trail surface woodchips? Does that hurt your time a lot? Also, what's the swim screening like? My senior year of college has taken its toll on me and, at best, I think the beer I've consumed during college may have made me a little more buoyant. :icon_mi_1 I hope the next 4 1/2 weeks are enough to redeem my swimming skills in the pool.


Registered User
There is a chip trail that they just put new chips on a few weeks ago, but last I heard they were having guys run the track. Regardless, my run times on the track and the trail have been the same, but I also suck at running. My friends tell me that there times are about 30 seconds slower on the trail. As far as the swim screen, they just have you swim the perimeter of the pool 4 times using the 4 strokes.


Active Member
Run times do go up a bit on the trail, but honestly I wouldn't worry too much about that because you can't control it. Depending on the weather and condition of the trail/track they will decide whether or not to run on the trail or track. Either way run hard, because I've heard of more that a few people, one in my class alone, who were below NSS but made it through on PRT score (They'll factor that in and use it if it will get you through) So don't take it lightly. As for the swim, as long as you show a modicum of comfort in the water you'll be fine in the beginning. The swim bubbas are there to help not attrite. As long as you put out, they'll work with you. They're really good in that way.
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