Supply Officer
Doing the PRT on the chip trail vs the track just depends on who is administering the PRT. Sucks it works out that way, but it does.
Either way - agree with what chubby said. The swim instructors are awesome about helpin you out if you need it ... but if you show up not knowing how to swim, you will be using study time to remediate with the swim... so yea the purpose of the swim stuff isn't to attrite you but it will affect your academics. Swim hold is before you start academics, though, so if that is where you get held back you should be fine for the rest of API.
Either way - agree with what chubby said. The swim instructors are awesome about helpin you out if you need it ... but if you show up not knowing how to swim, you will be using study time to remediate with the swim... so yea the purpose of the swim stuff isn't to attrite you but it will affect your academics. Swim hold is before you start academics, though, so if that is where you get held back you should be fine for the rest of API.