To cut through the BS--let's be real. The skid mentality treats FNGs much differently than other communities. New guys everywhere need to STFU and learn, but skid guys will have them brief and lead two levels above their actual qualification level, e.g. a copilot is briefing and leading sections. That might be justified, based on their ordnance mission, but don't write it off as wanking.
Each platform has its personality. Choose based on the mission, vice the details. The airframe and the community are just background noise.
I've never met a skid guy who complained about this. Sure they mention it, but realistically they want to be in their community so they're willing to work for it. I personally don't see a problem with pushing upgraders to be tactically competent and more professional aviators. All of the P-3 communities Class As in recent history have been caused by golden children who were put into positions based on their skills outside of flying which is fine to a point, but safety of flight should and mission success should never take a backseat to, well anything else. Hammering that in early serves a purpose (to create proficiency and competency) and I'd rather throw an uprgader in the deep end of the pool at home when the only thing on the line is their pride and a good bit of embarrassment if they fuck it away then coddle them a long in the relatively stable home cycle training environment then turn them loose with zero real experience in real world situations as soon as they're qualified (which tends to be the way the maritime community does it, and we rarely carry weapons). I'm amazed that opportunities for professional growth and competency are being shy'd away from because they're deemed as too difficult by dudes who go through difficult officer accession and training programs and then all then hurdles of flight school. Who knows, maybe that's by design so the Skid community won't have to waste resources on someone they'll end up sidelining because they don't really want to work to be there anyways.