Lets keep it real here bro...if that dhow was a real threat, SWOs wouldn't be boarding it.Yeah, as a "shoe," I do know dick about how the CVW works... Whereas those knowledges will come later for you...
Point is... yes, sure there are very, very few rotorheads that have shot a Hellfire in combat or dropped frogmen off in the sand... keep in mind, many, many more SWOs that have boarded a non-compliant dhow/ship or shot TLAMs. But let's keep in real here bro... 98% of the time, -60 guys are picking up my moldy lettuce and 2 month old mail...and we appreciate it!
If you have reports of super awesome shit that Navy -60 pilots are doing, hit me up for JWICS address so I can share in your successes...lol...
Develop a maintenance program that isn't a complete disaster and then we can talk.