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Huey Yankee


Super Moderator
If you use enough of the same equipment next thing you know someone will be asking "why do we need the Marine Corps"?

At what cost though? If it starts to cost too much then people will question its existence then. Its a balance, and in this minor case I don't think it is worth it.

P.S. Hard to to see how using the Blackhawk would be that much of a detriment either, as far as I know it is the only aircraft used by all 5 services.


Rockets Up
At what cost though? If it starts to cost too much then people will question its existence then. Its a balance, and in this minor case I don't think it is worth it.

Agreed. It was kind of a tongue in cheek answer. I know during my tour I just wanted stuff that worked. Our M16 A1's were falling apart and we still had 60mm tubes with 1940's dates on the tubes. The M60's were always down because it was hard to get parts. Hell we used to use our own money to buy op rods at the army navy store in Kin just outside Camp Hansen

Doesn't take much to make a Marine happy though.

I bet there are pretty good number of Harrier dudes that would jump at a seat in a Marine A-10. Fleet Marines don't care where their stuff comes from as long as it works.


Hangar Four
At what cost though? If it starts to cost too much then people will question its existence then. Its a balance, and in this minor case I don't think it is worth it.

P.S. Hard to to see how using the Blackhawk would be that much of a detriment either, as far as I know it is the only aircraft used by all 5 services.

H-60 isn't used by the Marine Corps right now...so only 4 services are using it. But I take comfort in something I have heard repeatedly. The US doesn't "need" Marine Corps, but the public "wants" the Marine Corps. So long as Marines are always ready to react to those unexpected needs the nation calls us to there will always be a physcological need for the Marine Corps.


"Chester" 4 blades transition
The Yankee will be a reall step up from the current Huey, not that everyone doesn't love the current one, but I think everyone can admit that its an improvement that is greatly needed.

Not to stir up a hornets nest, but the natural question now is was the Yankee the right choice as a step forward or would a varient of the H-60 have been a better choice?

Yea that is what I was afraid of as soon as I saw this thread. About the airspeed thing, being slower actually helps our performance. Yes, the assaults may hate slowing down for us, but the November has a tight turning radius so I can get a tight turn, dive and immediately engage a threat;

and I do Disco checks!



Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
A Huey armed to the teeth also looks way cooler than a -60 with all of the toys mounted on it. I'm willing to admit that the Sierra looks pretty goofy with the wings and missile rails installed.

Shoulda just went with more Hotels.....:D


UH-1Y pilot
I'll let you guys know after the new year. Not that I can compare it to the -1N, but I've got the ground stuff done and should be chipping away at the flight syllabus by Jan. I'm personally really excited to fly the Y. Really, my only complaint is that there's no more whop. :(


Well-Known Member
1) Why is it every thread with the word "Huey" in it somehow turns into an H-60 cork-soaking contest.

2) How many H-60's can you fit on a given boat vice UH-1's? Remember to factor in the non-interoperability of Parts/Equipment/Unique Tools for the HMLA.

Ok, the first question is a gratuitous chance to post a funny SNL video, but I actually am curious about the second question. It seems to me that deployability is the driving force for USMC acquisitions.


Super Moderator
2) How many H-60's can you fit on a given boat vice UH-1's? Remember to factor in the non-interoperability of Parts/Equipment/Unique Tools for the HMLA.

It seems to me that deployability is the driving force for USMC acquisitions.

But is the large investment the Marines are making upfront for a 'different' aircraft really worth saving a few bucks down the road on parts? It is not like the Navy has a shortage of H-60's. Don't a pair often deploy with an LHD/LHA?

Basically the Marines are arguing that spending $XXXXX upfront is worth the $x in savings over the next few years. I call bullshit, they just don't want to look like the Army or the Navy.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I think both arguments are valid. Yes, the Marine Corps has a way with trying to be different. But one has to look at the footprint of the HMLA. The HMLA would pretty much double in size if 60s were used instead of Hueys. As it is now, the same Marines can fix the systems on both birds with the same parts. Not the case if you had different engines, avionics, blades, etc. The savings in personnel and space on an LHD or LHA almost can't be quantified in dollars. It just so happens that having 60s would make the Marine Corps look the same, too, so there's that.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
I think both arguments are valid. Yes, the Marine Corps has a way with trying to be different. But one has to look at the footprint of the HMLA. The HMLA would pretty much double in size if 60s were used instead of Hueys. As it is now, the same Marines can fix the systems on both birds with the same parts. Not the case if you had different engines, avionics, blades, etc. The savings in personnel and space on an LHD or LHA almost can't be quantified in dollars. It just so happens that having 60s would make the Marine Corps look the same, too, so there's that.

Not to split hairs, but Cobras usE GE700-401Cs.....which are also in -60s:D


Solidly part of the 42%.
Not to split hairs, but Cobras us GE700-401Cs.....which are also in -60s:D

Dammit...and I even knew that. Still though, something like 82 or 84% commonality is not anything to laugh at. Perhaps Sikorsky can put together an attack platform that has that much in common with the 60? I'm sure it has been thought of.


is out to lunch.
Perhaps Sikorsky can put together an attack platform that has that much in common with the 60? I'm sure it has been thought of.


Now you guys could replace everything in HMLA.... I know it's not a true possibility, but it seems cool enough.