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If you thought things couldn't get dumber...


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
They did...

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico and four Central American nations condemned the U.S plan to build hundreds of miles of triple-layered fencing on its southern border, saying it would not stop illegal immigration.

I mean, OK, don't want troops on your boarder to the north, even though you have NO SAY IN THE NATIONAL POLICY OF ANOTHER NATION, I can sorta understand that. To tell us we shouldn't build a fence, that it's a bad idea and further, to give no positive ideas, wow that's just plain stupid. The arrogance of any of those backwards, corrupt, third world countries to dictate to us what we do with their people when they break our laws?! You get your ass SHOT if you cross the border into one of those countries without going through a checkpoint! If the area 20miles south of the boarder were a nuclear wasteland, maybe that'd stop these jackasses from crossing...


"I had to leave my three children, walk for three days in the desert, and now I'm here with more debts than ever," said Edith Martinez, a 40-year-old from Oaxaca who walked back over the border bridge to the Mexican town of Nogales. "Now I have to work in the United States to pay my debts from the trip."

Words, words... fail to describe thier arrogance


Is it baseball season yet?
Well, to counterpoint, do you really think that building a border fence is going to stop illegal immigration?

Personally, I say it's a short-term band-aid. What about all the immigrants that get a tourist visa to Canada and cross over?

I say there's been too much media speculation and pressure on the President in recent weeks to fix up our Southern Border. Yeah, there are problems, but I say a wall isn't going to stop them. It comes down the fact that "incentives matter." In this case, the incentive for people to come to America is the promise of a better life. When your life sucks, you're going to whatever it takes to make it better.


DanMav1156 said:
Well, to counterpoint, do you really think that building a border fence is going to stop illegal immigration?
Thats like asking if a safe is going to stop robbers, or if a minefield is gonna completely blockade a harbor, or if locking your door is gonna stop thieves... no barrier will be able to stop illegal immigration completely, but it will slow the rate of illegals that successfully cross. Walls have existed for at least 40 years and they have a pretty good success rate. the problem is they have the same reputation problem as the CIA, you only hear about the fvck ups e.g. Berlin, Jericho.

But there at least was one wall that worked, and it kept those damn mongolians at bay...


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
Not to mention the wall separating Israel and the Palestinians, which has almost completely stopped the suicide bombings.



The Great Wall of Juarez :D

Is a wall going to stop illegal immigration, no... but it should slow things down a bit. From what I understood, the wall isn't going to be the length of the border but that is alright. It would lessen the amount of area the Guard and Border Patrol has to watch. If those countries keep complaining, I think a shoot on sight order might be in order. I don't know where a country gets off complaining about the way we run our country, especially some of the governments that are doing the complaining... they leave a lot to be desired.


Ask yourself this:

If all the corrupt governments of Mexico, Central and Sud America DON'T want a fence ... DON'T want any hinderance, physical or procedural, to them unloading their poor, homeless, downtrodden, their criminals, their gangs ... via "immigration" ... to the big PX del norte ....

.... then can it be a "bad" idea ???? :)

The Palestinians didn't want a fence, either.


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
A4sForever said:
Ask yourself this:

If all the corrupt governments of Mexico, Central and Sud America DON'T want a fence ... DON'T want any hinderance, physical or procedural, to them unloading their poor, homeless, downtrodden, their criminals, their gangs ... via "immigration" ... to the big PX del norte ....

.... then can it be a "bad" idea ???? :)

The Palestinians didn't want a fence, either.

That's a really good point! It's pretty obvious that they hate the fact we are attempting to stop the scourge of illegal "immigration" coming into OUR country from THEIR country. You don't want to wake the sleeping giant... we all know what happens then:icon_rage


Is it baseball season yet?
How can we say that our current walls have had a success rate? 12 million people have somehow made it across. People will get through in vans, trucks, holes under the walls (they exist, "believe it" in the words of A4s), anything.

I still say this new wall is a band aid. Something else needs to be done.

And shoot on sight? Let's not even get started on how much crap the U.S. would take for that.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
DanMav1156 said:
How can we say that our current walls have had a success rate? 12 million people have somehow made it across. People will get through in vans, trucks, holes under the walls (they exist, "believe it" in the words of A4s), anything.

I still say this new wall is a band aid. Something else needs to be done.

And shoot on sight? Let's not even get started on how much crap the U.S. would take for that.
I think that the point of new walls isn't to seal off the border, but to funnel potential immigrants to the other open areas where the Border Patrol can focus their assets. The new wall here in SD, which is only about 12 miles long has had a huge impact on the BP's ability to cover the SD county sector. Walls aren't a one stop solution for illegal immigration, but they are but one of many tools that must be used to reduce the numbers.



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
DanMav1156 said:
And shoot on sight? Let's not even get started on how much crap the U.S. would take for that.

But of course it's OK for Mexico and other countries to shoot at people crossing into their territory (just try crossing into mexico from the south, i dare you). You're right though, we would take heat for it. We'd take heat if we offered to give every man, woman, and child in Mexico $100 just because we think it'd be nice. If we gave the money out in alphabetical order Senor Ramirez would be mad at us because he didn't get his money before Senor Alajandro did.

People will be mad at the US no matter what we do because we’re the big dog on the block.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
DanMav1156 said:
Let's not even get started on how much crap the U.S. would take for that.

Exactly. So I say we just fill up the diaper and say "**** you" to everyone and their feelings. And if people want to talk crap from their hacienda, let them come over the boarder and try to say it. If only we lived up to all the horrible things that the world accuses us of...


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Super Moderator
Slammer2 said:
Exactly. So I say we just fill up the diaper and say "**** you" to everyone and their feelings. And if people want to talk crap from their hacienda, let them come over the boarder and try to say it. If only we lived up to all the horrible things that the world accuses us of...
Yeah, it's lonely at the top. The part that angers me is that some, especially the lefties, think that if only we act nice and kiss everyone's @ss, people will stop hating us. The reality is that they will hate us and covet our success no matter what we do or how we treat them. Best we get over it to get on with our nation's business.



More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I'm all for a wall. Hell, I'm for interlocking fields-of-fire while we're at it.

However, the best way to stop illegal immigration would be draconian punishments for hiring them. 5 years in the federal pen and a $10,000 fine per offense for knowingly hiring an illegal and you'd see a different ethnic makeup of construction crews pretty quickly. Raid a few rich suburban households, deport their nanny, and stick Dr. and Mrs. Jones in the slammer. People would get the message pretty quickly. No jobs for illegals=no more illegal immigration. Probably a good percentage of the ones here now would leave too.

It's just a matter of will. Demand drives supply. Just like drug smuggling. If people want something, someone will come in to fill the need.