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If you thought things couldn't get dumber...


The future of the Supply Corps
Brett327 said:
Yeah, it's lonely at the top. The part that angers me is that some, especially the lefties, think that if only we act nice and kiss everyone's @ss, people will stop hating us. The reality is that they will hate us and covet our success no matter what we do or how we treat them. Best we get over it to get on with our nation's business.


I been sayin this **** for years...;)


Is it baseball season yet?
Ok, you guys made some good points -- funelling so the BP can be more resourceful is good.

And while I agree with what you guys were saying about being "lonely at the top," I still disagree with shooting people on sight. To me, that is a human rights violation. Who cares if Mexico does it to us? How many of us are trying to emigrate to Mexico? Does it make it right if they do do it?

I think Phrog is on to something... a plan similar to his would work in my mind.


DanMav1156 said:
.... I still disagree with shooting people on sight. ....
You see ... there's my problem. That's why I have to stay home so much. If I go into town ... it's really tough to keep from shooting most people on sight.

The more I'm around people ... the more I like dogs.


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
DanMav1156 said:
Ok, you guys made some good points -- funelling so the BP can be more resourceful is good.

And while I agree with what you guys were saying about being "lonely at the top," I still disagree with shooting people on sight. To me, that is a human rights violation. Who cares if Mexico does it to us? How many of us are trying to emigrate to Mexico? Does it make it right if they do do it?

I think Phrog is on to something... a plan similar to his would work in my mind.

Who was seriously advocating shooting illegals?


Registered User
phrogdriver said:
I'm all for a wall. Hell, I'm for interlocking fields-of-fire while we're at it.

However, the best way to stop illegal immigration would be draconian punishments for hiring them. 5 years in the federal pen and a $10,000 fine per offense for knowingly hiring an illegal and you'd see a different ethnic makeup of construction crews pretty quickly. Raid a few rich suburban households, deport their nanny, and stick Dr. and Mrs. Jones in the slammer. People would get the message pretty quickly. No jobs for illegals=no more illegal immigration. Probably a good percentage of the ones here now would leave too.

It's just a matter of will. Demand drives supply. Just like drug smuggling. If people want something, someone will come in to fill the need.

YES! That's what needs to happen. A good friend is LASO, they did a raid in Ventura, CA at a Salvadorian Restaurant, got the entire wait staff, the entire kitchen crew, and half the patrons... They had to call for a bus to haul them off. They also arrested the owner (who was legal) and are going to prosecute her for income tax evasion, workmens comp fraud, failure to pay withholding, etc. Of course, if you did a set of raids on Malibu, that would take out "most" of the entertainment industry too... Hmmm, not a bad idea, if I do say so myself...:D


Is it baseball season yet?
At Fly:

TXHusker05 said:
The Great Wall of Juarez :D

Is a wall going to stop illegal immigration, no... but it should slow things down a bit. From what I understood, the wall isn't going to be the length of the border but that is alright. It would lessen the amount of area the Guard and Border Patrol has to watch. If those countries keep complaining, I think a shoot on sight order might be in order. I don't know where a country gets off complaining about the way we run our country, especially some of the governments that are doing the complaining... they leave a lot to be desired.

I thought he was being serious... :confused:

I've heard it mentioned by other uber-conservatives as well outside of AW, it just boggles my mind that some people would consider a policy like this... Maybe you all disagree? Maybe I'm the odd one out... o well.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
DanMav1156 said:
I thought he was being serious... :confused:

I've heard it mentioned by other uber-conservatives as well outside of AW, it just boggles my mind that some people would consider a policy like this... Maybe you all disagree? Maybe I'm the odd one out... o well.

I have no problem, repeat, no problem shooting drug runners on sight. Fvck them and what they're bringing into my country. Your average illegal alien? Well obviously you don't want to shoot them, that's ludicrous.


Registered User
How about a warning shot or two. Then a megaphone telling them to turn around in spanish. Then we can shoot them if the illegal immigrant still tries to cross.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Birdman1 said:
How about a warning shot or two. Then a megaphone telling them to turn around in spanish. Then we can shoot them if the illegal immigrant still tries to cross.
Dude, "Warning shots" are for movies.


Is it baseball season yet?
Fly Navy said:
I have no problem, repeat, no problem shooting drug runners on sight. Fvck them and what they're bringing into my country. Your average illegal alien? Well obviously you don't want to shoot them, that's ludicrous.



Registered User
nittany03 said:
Dude, "Warning shots" are for movies.

Maybe, I was just trying to think of some way where shooting on sight would work. Maybe it's not the best idea, but having the Guard just sit there doesn't seem like it would do anything to stop illegal immigration.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
ok...how about we are only allowed to shoot them if they are running towards us?:)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
PropStop said:
"Look out, he's coming right for us!"
That made me laugh out loud. I wish there were an internet abbreviation for that.
