Okay, so after reading all of your wonderful, caring, and downright
feelgood responses (some of you are true wordsmiths), I decided the best course of action would be to harden the fuck up. This is best vocalized here:
My reaction after reading some of this thread was basically filled with self loathing at my inadequacies, entitlement, etc. I realized I'll have to discard those if I want to make it, guess that's that. I called up my friend and told him I probably wouldn't be able to make it due to OCS. He was actually congratulating me on making it and saying essentially, "Fuck my wedding, go learn to fly planes." I guess it makes sense since his brother is an NFO and he grew up with him missing lots of shit due to the job. Thanks for the dose of reality, AW. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to burn off some of this motivational energy at the gym.