I am not sure you know how right you are.......
Having served on a 4 star staff, a 3 star staff and a 2 star staff, I knew how correct that statement was when I made it.
I am not sure you know how right you are.......
Since each of these designators is a relatively small cadre, as compared to say 13XX, this allows the Navy to spread the Intel experise around the fleet in a more efficient manner since you'll have 1 community in charge of all the Intel/Info related fields. I know the Detailers send people there, but someone needs to dictate to NPC who get what and which commands are the priority for this community.
As a guy that works in the national level of this business every day the skills that this community is supposed to align has overlaps are very very sketchy even in the agency that oversees it all.
Might as well walk around with a huge sign that says, "I have access to national secrets."
I'd refuse to wear it.
I have been thinking the same myself, I am not sure that the current structure will survive long after the current leadership leaves.
Are the Aviation Warfare and Navy Aircrew insignia not enough to identify you in this regard?...a device for rescue swimmers to no avail...
I waited 21 years for the Navy to approve a device for rescue swimmers to no avail. This Information Dominance pin is like a slap in the face.
Brett A Moore
USN (retired)
Are the Aviation Warfare and Navy Aircrew insignia not enough to identify you in this regard?
Are the Aviation Warfare and Navy Aircrew insignia not enough to identify you in this regard?
I waited 21 years for the Navy to approve a device for rescue swimmers to no avail. This Information Dominance pin is like a slap in the face.
Brett A Moore
USN (retired)
Yup, you are right! Someone who is qualified to swim in the water, under it, save lives, medical... SHOULD HAVE A PIN... heck let's throw in savlage.... waaaaiiiitttt, there IS a pin for that! A whole SERIES of them in fact, yup, Dive pins.Agree!! Rescue swimmers should have gotten something like this long ago; perhaps as a slightly different set of AC wings.