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Iran Seizes British Sailors


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator


Ever read about the Barbary War(s)?

Yeah...and then there was that little skirmish...what was it again??? Oh...that's right...the War of 1812...;) :D

Something about impressment...:D

Raptor, you can't honestly think that this incident will lead to a military response....:eek:


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
That was my point, we went to war with countries over this same situation...

If you care about the lives of the sailors, you let the politicos do their thing. I'm sure this is a contrived act by Iran to show their clout to their populace and embarass the allied/coalition partners. Negotiations first in this type of saber rattling, especially when lives are at stake.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Could these 15 wind up being sacrificial lambs to really stir the pot? :confused:

Iran knows what they are doing and how the game is played. If they harm any of the sailors, then they get the speech from Pulp Fiction (the furious anger one by Samuel Jackson). Just sit back and watch the political jockeying play out.


At first I wasn't sure, but... are you really confusing "unharmed" and "unarmed" ?

Yes.:( F minus for me.
Which makes less sense to me. So if i'm Ensign Raptor10 on a boarding party in waters I am legally allowed to operate in, I give up without a fight? Thats what you guys do out there?

It happens all the time, thats how they do things? Oh, Okay, I feel much better about being kidnapped by holocaust deniers...


he will die without safety brief
Yes.:( F minus for me.
Which makes less sense to me. So if i'm Ensign Raptor10 on a boarding party in waters I am legally allowed to operate in, I give up without a fight? Thats what you guys do out there?

It happens all the time, thats how they do things? Oh, Okay, I feel much better about being kidnapped by holocaust deniers...
I'm sure that they had ROE for operating so close to Iranian waters that dictated their actions. Going out in a blaze of glory/gunfire isn't the way things are done.


Drill baby drill!
2) Things get really hard to pin down when it comes to territorial waters, since they can overlap... can a SWO help out here?

On the chart it indicates the internationally recognized territorial waters of the countries with a solid line (12nm), and then it indicates what the countries claim are their territorial waters with a dashed line. I forget the distance, but Iran claimed waters well past this limit.

In some parts near the U.A.E. an island would be clearly located within the U.A.E.'s 12nm territory, but was indicated to be claimed by Iran. There were several instances of this in the Gulf.

the IMO site was'nt being cooperative, but here is some information on territorial waters and the right of innocent passage.


Another problem, is the limited amount of space in the Gulf, and everybody wants oil, so you have countries trying to claim as much as possible.

I couldnt find a picture of the chart, but its chart 62032 (NGA/NOAA). BA charts might be different.

The 200EEZ really doesnt apply here, but it can cause problems, as with Japan and its Okinotorishima.

For a summary.



Drill baby drill!
To stir the pot here... the fact that British Navy personnel were kidnapped brings it to the spotlight a lot quicker, but...

There are plenty of unarmed merchant ships which do business in the Gulf, several US flagged and many foreign flagged vessels in the region. With today's radars, vhf, AIS (Automatic Identification System... most ships have them, its a transponder which gives location and other information), its not that hard to find something for the taking if you want to be that aggressive and continue saber rattling.

On a merchant ship your defenses are your fire hoses and fire axes, maybe the captain's personal fire arm.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator

[/B] AIS (Automatic Identification System... most ships have them, its a transponder which gives location and other information), its not that hard to find something for the taking if you want to be that aggressive and continue saber rattling.

Anybody can get it and all ships coming to states are required to have it on continuously (Navy ships are exempt)...it's just like XM/Sirius Radio (display is similar).
"Seizing British sailors at sea cannot in any sense be thought good for Iranian national interests, but now the regime will of course have to go through face saving measures on the way towards letting them go, meaning that once again Iran’s national interest has been hijacked by radicals at a delicate time."

Although Iran's move against the British sailors might be seen as an initial show of strength to the average Iranian, what happens when Iran eventually gives them back with no --or minimal-- concessions from the Brits or the int'l community? In this act, it just shows a barking dog that's brought to heel--they might have taken the sailors, but in the end, what's Iran really going to accomplish?? Guess that's one of those million-dollar questions, one of many re: the mad mullahs...