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Iran Seizes British Sailors


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
On a merchant ship your defenses are your fire hoses and fire axes, maybe the captain's personal fire arm.

That gives me an idea. I'll bet a couple of flame-throwers would be great for repelling boarders. :D



Super Moderator
Yes.:( F minus for me.
Which makes less sense to me. So if i'm Ensign Raptor10 on a boarding party in waters I am legally allowed to operate in, I give up without a fight? Thats what you guys do out there?
It happens all the time, thats how they do things? Oh, Okay, I feel much better about being kidnapped by holocaust deniers...

The British and us are not at war with Iran, yet, and they were surrouded by an overwhelming force. What would you do in this situation, start shooting your 9mm at the several boats with 50 cals? Same thing when you go down in enemy territory, when you have small sidearm versus a company of infantry armed to the teeth are you go down in a blaze of glory, and end up dead? Or do you shoot down a Hind with an explosive arrow? ;) If you want to end up the martyr then so be it, just make sure I am well enough away from you that they don't kill me in the crossfire.......

Don't be that guy........



Don't be that guy........


If you don't plan on having a shirt...

Hopefully I'll have a crew of these guys.

But seriously, If you didn't follow their instructions would they open fire on you? I would call that bluff and leave. Or at the very least repel boarders, Isn't that what we're trained to do?

If you want to end up the martyr then so be it, just make sure I am well enough away from you that they don't kill me in the crossfire.......
I'd ask who wants life jackets.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
The plot thickens.....

No point in playing "what if". The situation will play itself out. Iranians are making immediate promises that sailors are safe so they likely want the political solution and will also likely claim they were within their rights. What hasn't been mentioned is that the Iranian President is coming to the United States on Saturday* to address the U.N. Security Council. I believe this will play out before then with an attempt for them to look strong to their people and wrestle something from UK.

*Doubt he'd come if war was his intent


Registered User
If you don't plan on having a shirt...

Hopefully I'll have a crew of these guys.

But seriously, If you didn't follow their instructions would they open fire on you? I would call that bluff and leave. Or at the very least repel boarders, Isn't that what we're trained to do?

I'd ask who wants life jackets.

They "think" you're an armed force in "their" territorial waters. They also have a track record for being violent and crazy.
I dunno...something in me says there's a good chance they would shoot.


But seriously, If you didn't follow their instructions would they open fire on you? I would call that bluff and leave. Or at the very least repel boarders, Isn't that what we're trained to do?

I'd ask who wants life jackets.

easy there gungy.

discretion is the better part of valor.

are you gonna call their bluff and then tell the families of those you get killed that you thought they were bluffing? if you're around to tell them...


Super Moderator
If you don't plan on having a shirt...

Hopefully I'll have a crew of these guys.

You would prefer guys with spears and swords over a guy with machine guns?! You sure about that?

But seriously, If you didn't follow their instructions would they open fire on you? I would call that bluff and leave. Or at the very least repel boarders, Isn't that what we're trained to do?
I'd ask who wants life jackets.

Ummmmm, yeah, we really don't train to repel boarders anymore, that went away when they stopped issuing cutlasses........:icon_roll

Like I said before, they were outnumbered and outgunned, what the hell are they supposed to do?! Let me put it in a way you might be able to understand, in pictures:

The RN and RM had these:

And these:

And maybe these:

While the Iranians probably had these:

Or these:

With these:

and this:

And these on board:

So, what would you have done there young grasshopper? All of the guys who have 'been there, done that' say discretion is the better part of valor in this case.

Maybe our resident SWO could give us some insight......
well, when you put it that way Flash...:eek:
I don't know jack about Standard Naval Operating Procedure, or whatever you want to call it, but if the Brits were using a boat like the example shown above, wouldn't it have been launched from a nearby, larger vessel? A boat like that isn't just cruising around the Gulf out there by itself is it? So, when ships (as pictured above) of the Iranian Navy start moving in close to where the Brits onboard the 'larger vessel' know their 'little boat' to be, why wouldn't said 'larger vessel' come in closer--if anything to help their guys out and flex a little bit for the Iranians, maybe scare 'em off? Maybe that'd have escalated things at the time; just the thoughts of a total novice...


Super Moderator
well, when you put it that way Flash...:eek:
I don't know jack about Standard Naval Operating Procedure, or whatever you want to call it, but if the Brits were using a boat like the example shown above, wouldn't it have been launched from a nearby, larger vessel? A boat like that isn't just cruising around the Gulf out there by itself is it? So, when ships (as pictured above) of the Iranian Navy start moving in close to where the Brits onboard the 'larger vessel' know their 'little boat' to be, why wouldn't said 'larger vessel' come in closer--if anything to help their guys out and flex a little bit for the Iranians, maybe scare 'em off? Maybe that'd have escalated things at the time; just the thoughts of a total novice...

Actually you pose a pretty good question. I am not too sure about why the larger ship, the HMS Cornwall, was not close enough to intervene on behalf of their guys in the RHIB's. A RN helo saw the Iranian ships but could not intervene for some reason (all from teh news reports).

The answer probably lies with the RN, and I imagine that we might not find out for some time.


Super Moderator

The Brits had a Coast Guard boarding team? Now I definitely don't think they should have surrendered!:icon_tong

Why do the Coasties in the the little dinghy remind me of this? Does it say something about you Coasties? ;)



The plot thickens.....

No point in playing "what if". The situation will play itself out. Iranians are making immediate promises that sailors are safe so they likely want the political solution and will also likely claim they were within their rights. What hasn't been mentioned is that the Iranian President is coming to the United States on Saturday* to address the U.N. Security Council. I believe this will play out before then with an attempt for them to look strong to their people and wrestle something from UK.

*Doubt he'd come if war was his intent

The plot thickens:

Ahmadinejad Calls Off Trip to US
good find, HH-60. i'd read he was coming, had no idea he called it off...
It was discussed on AW a few days back, but when Iran threatened to kidnap our troops, were they including our allies as well? The timing of this move makes me wonder. Hope they don't get ahold of Prince Harry when he gets over there...


Active Member
I'm pretty sure Ahmadinejad called off his visit before this story broke, if not before it actually happened. Not 100% on that though.