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iranian tomcat data iran iraq war


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Anyone who takes a fighter pilot's or his sycophants' claims at face value, has to be a turnip truck drop-off. ;)

That said, Tom Cooper's and Farzod Bishop's claims I believe to be relatively accurate. He has incredible sources, and we have exchanged background emails. Regardless of the kill ratio, there can be no doubt that when Iranian F-14s appeared, Iraq fighters turned away and aborted their mission. That is unbelievable, air superiority!


"By 1987 the Iraqis have suffered such heavy losses to Iranian Tomcats that they were forced to find a solution with which they could engage them under more equal circumstances. Eventually, in early 1988 France managed to deliver a series of Mirage F.1EQ-6 fighters, equipped with Super 530D and Magic Mk.2 missiles, to Iraq: after a series of air battles through February, March, and May 1988, in which the Iraqis suffered additional heavy losses to IRIAF Tomcats, in July 1988 the new IrAF Mirages finally managed to shot two Iranian F-14s down in a single engagement. "

"Considering the circumstances under which the F-14s and their crews had to operate in Iran during the eight-years long war against Iraq - without any support from AWACS or AEW aircraft, without even a proper support from the GCI, against an enemy that was repeatedly introducing new and more capable fighters, radars, weapons and ECM-systems in combat and was supported by no less but three "superpowers" (USSR, France, and the USA), with their crews being permanently under heavy pressure from the regime in Tehran - it is actually a pure miracle that an aircraft as complex as the Tomcat remained operational at all."


Anyone who takes a fighter pilot's or his sycophants' claims at face value, has to be a turnip truck drop-off. ;).....

AHHHHhhhhhhhh , and now we see little children, puppies, and young wannabe skulls full of cottage cheese: the TRUTH will out. :)

A Fighter-Puke has once again .... *GASP* ... confessed to the reality ... the essence ... the secret of life. I.e., in the debrief -- they are congenital liars, compulsive exaggerators, and serial fabricators. :)

Hey!!! It's their last ditch maneuver after once again being humbled by the Wily Bogey !! :)


REMEMBER: if you MUST converse w/ a Fighter-Puke, for ANY reason, in ANY setting which may require a discourse of fighter vs attack which may -- unfortunately -- result in a shotgun marriage of the two communities that we now see born in the F/A community ... ALWAYS tell the usher you'd like to sit on the 'ATTACK' side of the ceremony !!!

THERE IS NO SLACK ... in LIGHT (or medium or heavy) ATTACK !!!



St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
"A" Is Attack!

REMEMBER: if you MUST converse w/ a Fighter-Puke, for ANY reason, in ANY setting which may require a discourse of fighter vs attack which may -- unfortunately -- result in a shotgun marriage of the two communities that we now see born in the F/A community ... ALWAYS tell the usher you'd like to sit on the 'ATTACK' side of the ceremony !!!

THERE IS NO SLACK ... in LIGHT (or medium or heavy) ATTACK !!!

Amen, Amen I sayet* to you, t*e MESSIA* OF ATTACK speaket t*e words of trut*, and slurret* not t*is *oly trut*, as do I...*is *umble Presset* Secretary. Listen up, O Wannabees & assortet* camp followers, for our exalted leader will guide you down t*e golden *alls of ATTACK AVIATION. :tiger_125

T*e Strike side of t*e community *as made a fine start on making "War*eads on Foreeads" *istory, for t*ey *ave indeed a fine platform, but *ave a long way to go to equal t*at ATTACK legacy. Amen!

"Flak at 12...C*aff now...I'm *it but I'm rolling in anyway"!!!
BzB, AW Grey Eagle :tongue2_1


Super *********
Super Moderator
BusyBee, why do you put * in place of H??

Amen, Amen I sayet* to you, t*e MESSIA* OF ATTACK speaket t*e words of trut*, and slurret* not t*is *oly trut*, as do I...*is *umble Presset* Secretary. Listen up, O Wannabees & assortet* camp followers, for our exalted leader will guide you down t*e golden *alls of ATTACK AVIATION. :tiger_125

T*e Strike side of t*e community *as made a fine start on making "War*eads on Foreeads" *istory, for t*ey *ave indeed a fine platform, but *ave a long way to go to equal t*at ATTACK legacy. Amen!

"Flak at 12...C*aff now...I'm *it but I'm rolling in anyway"!!!
BzB, AW Grey Eagle :tongue2_1


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
T*e Scarlet Letter *

BusyBee, why do you put * in place of H??

I write in "lisp" language since I lost part of my tongue during cancer surgery last Nov, and I lisp as a result, so I write as I talk! OK, I keed, but t*e surgical lisp is real.

I use t*e * in place of t*e letter you mention, since said key went total txts up. I am upgrading & a new laptop is on order. If t*is is distracting or bot*ers anyone, let me know & I'll lay low til t*e NIS, AOCP backordered part arrives in supply. :icon_tong
BeeMeister :sleep_125


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
AHHHHhhhhhhhh , ....

A Fighter-Puke has once again .... *GASP* ... confessed to the reality ... the essence ... the secret of life. I.e., in the debrief -- they are congenital liars, compulsive exaggerators, and serial fabricators. :)

Yep, I lied about that "reality" :D...... 'cuz I 'm the real deal ;) :icon_smil

√ 6 - You wily bogie attack puke..... oh, oh, too late for you!

Fox Two! ............ :pirate_12 .... Splash one not-so-wily, slack-attack bogie! :D


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Because *e drank one too many Flaming *ookers @ the CUBI O'Club bar ...
I'm told I hold the all time WestPac record for Flaming Hookers. :mummy_125

It was a story everyone wanted to retell at our reunion last summer. And one I didn't want to hear.


happy to be here
hey catmando,
do these dilusional a4 'real fighter guy wannabes' pogues remind you of charlie sheen?


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Fairy Tales Can (be) true' if...

I'm told I hold the all time WestPac record for Flaming Hookers. :mummy_125

It was a story everyone wanted to retell at our reunion last summer. And one I didn't want to hear.

My fondest memory of t*e infamous Cubi O'Club, was a off-t*e-line R & R from YS, on RANGER '66. T*e club *adn't been remodeled yet, and *ad t*e old faux t*atc*ed palm frond ceiling. T*e first catapults t*er, were just c*airs pus*ed to warp speeds into/t*ru swinging doors & ass over teakettle rolling downill in t*e dark jungle. Many launc*es terminated in Sick Bay! :icon_smil

One Saturday nig*t, our Figter Pukes (VF-142 "Spook Drovers & VF-143 "Barfing Fidos" were swingen'...popping up t*ru t*e fronds & crawling on knees, poking *eads down over various tables w/ questionable greetings. Naturally t*e Attack Pukes (VAs 146, 55 & 145s last A-1 cruise) attired in t*eir natty *ong Kong blazers w/ Squadron patc* pockets and Sqdn color brocade vests, were quietly sipping-30 yr. old imported wines, entertaining ALL t*e gorgeous LBFMs...w*ile our servile S*rike Escorts rollicked in t*e ceiling in tattered Levi's & stinky Flip Flops, doing t*eir time-worn act. :jump_125:

A couple of 'S*oe' CAPTs :captain_1 w/ Spouses (Spice?) from Subic-side in SDBs, sat quietly eating t*eir sumptuous meal. T*ey were eit*er new arrivals, or "visiting firemen", for any knowledgable S*oe would commit *ara-kiri on a moldy punji stick, t*an visit t*e Cubi O Club w/ "Das Boot" at Leyte Pier! I believe it was t*e noted MIG-killer "Mugs Mckeown" (sp. Cat?), inevitably popped down t*roug* t*e fronds upside down & greeted te S*oe group. T*e Spice gasped in *orror, w*ile t*e CAPTs glared t'il one roared "W*o t*e *ell is your Senior Officer, young man?" Mugs replied wit* a serious frown, "Yes sir, I'll page *im for you...*EY CAG, IT'S FOR YOU!". Anot*er grey *ead popped down "Yessirs, can I *elp you?" Downcast, one of t*em mumbled "Never mind CAG, we were just leaving anyway". CAG politely bade t*em a good evening &... standard frolic/romp continued Ad Nauseum! Was not unlike t*e movie wit* t*e Marine Col. F-8 CO & t*e soup can barf scene. :watching2

Got to see t*e ol' Cubi Bar again 'bout ten years ago, at t*e MONA Pcola, w/ all t*e plaques & stuff. T*at beootiful wooden marvel, you could still enjoy a stiff drink but it wasn't just rig*t w/o my ol' Sqn/CAG-mates t*ere! T*e end.
BzB, 'memberin' World Class Times :sleep_125


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
BzB, 'memberin' World Class Times :sleep_125

Wow. Those are some memories! Ands I gots sum comments......

I got there after the remodel. But I heard lots of the stories. Guys hanging from the rafters. Guys getting catapulted in a chair with rollers down the stairs, etc. I really didn't believe them.... Until I finally got to the Cubi O'Club. Then I learned anything could, and often did happen there, beyond belief!

"Barfing Fidos" I love it! Never heard them called that.

Every once in awhile there was an ignorant shoe who wandered into our den of iniquity and outrageousness, and always regretted it.

That sounds like the famous/infamous , the multi-MiG killer. I have lots of stories on him. But he and I hated each other, ever since I was a JO and he, the Ops. O of our hated sister squadron. On my nugget cruise, he went too far upwind, so I cut him off in the pattern at the boat. He came storming into our RR, wanting to know which lowly Switchbox cut him out of the pattern. Our CO grabbed him by the collar and kicked him out of the RR. But he found out it was me.

We had other poisoned run-ins, including a near donnybrook in Yokosuka. Then as bad luck would have it, years later he became my CO in VF-1, and we found out we were still virtual enemies. Fortunately after all that, and many more years later, I see him occasionally now. We are finally friends now, truly enjoying each other's company.

Also, I am finally going to the P'cola museum this spring for the first time. I have to see the plaques that have my name on them in the Cubi Bar exhibit.

If I only have one life to live, I would live the life I lived, without hesitation!


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
T*e Miracle On Te Bay1

VF-94 FJ-3M  c. 1958.jpgVA-94 FJ-4.jpg

hey catmando,
do these dilusional a4 'real fighter guy wannabes' pogues remind you of charlie sheen?

A low blow my VF friends. Actually, Top Gun Kitty Kat ace, Tom Cruise reminds me more of c*arlie s*een t*an I, can't speak for "Messia", I've never seen *is *olinessi (cloaking device, I t*ink)!

As for me, as a top-tier Nugget {*old applause, please), I was ordered to a Fig*ter Squadron (VF-94) @ JO *eaven" at t*at time, NGZ! After mont*s of FAM, t*en boring-ass radar-controlled intercepts; w*ile observing our Attack Buds legal flat-*atting blowing sand, t*en droppng BOMBs, STRAFING, firing ROCKETS & practicing "iDJIT LOOPS" W/ tiny blue baby bomblets, decided to take t*e ten-step program promising a sure escape to Attack Glory! :sing_125:

I w*ined to t*e Skipper, as dim-witted lead Ensigns are wont to do. Lo, Skip agreed wit* me, t*en wit*in 6-mont*s, we were redesignated, born as VA-94! I lived my dream serving in 5-straig*t A-4 Operational Squadrons (RAG IP, eac* coast), bagging max *ops, traps, test *ops, X/Cs, Wpn Dets., Combat Alp*a Strike missions :bigeyes2_ , manned spares (bagger's dream, 9-1 you go on a nig*t spare), etc. Na*, no c*arlie s*eens *ere, sorry lads! :icon_king
BzB, aka "Sir Launc*alot" :sleep_125