Well, as for wings, we were guaranteed our dream wing when we volunteered. So I knew I was going to Whiting from the minute I signed up. As for classes, well, I was about to say that the Database and DSS course would probably be the most confusing, but looking at NPS's website I see they've dropped that and replaced it with a C4I systems course anyway.
IS3502 (Intro to IS Networks) would be the only one I had any prior experience with as an IT type. IO3100 (Information Operations) is more basic military thought and doctrine than anything technical. Be prepared to read a lot of boring joint doctrine for that one. SS3011 (Space Technology) is a little more technical, and I can't say anything about the new C4ISR course. So I'd say as a non-IST type you'd be fine; if you're worried read up on TCP/IP networking and the OSI model. The prof for the networking courses is cool too, he's definitely there to teach, not to screw you over.