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Israeli's Strike Syrian Nuclear Cache from North Korea


I thought that was the recline!
Try to stay focused on the greater question, men and boys.

I gotta wonder whether or not some of you boys (no names, please) have ever had a date. You know ... with a "real", live, "actual" woman??? :)

I'm sorry A-4's, but this thread is well and truly, definitely, solidly, JACKED

The "greater question" is why the U.S. doesn't have our females wear tight-as$s pants like those, instead of stupid trousers! D@mn! Those thick, mesopot-esque belts couldn't have been a better accent had they been designed by [insert your favorite famous designer] himself!

Okay, attempt at re-railing the train:

What is the real reason the Arab nations haven't well and truly united against Israel and taken action? Laziness? Hatred of each other? Fear of Israelis? Fear of the U.S.? Fear of 'the Iraq and the Asian countries and like Such As?' (Sorry Miss Teen S.C.).

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Most of what I've read about the "info blackout" has been amazement from israelis and israel-watchers that they've managed to keep such a tight lid on this. Normally Israel leaks like a sieve - the country's just too small and everyone knows everyone and it's hard to keep anything big under wraps for very long.

On the other hand, the IDF did manage to keep most of the details about the Osirak raid secret until very recently. That was a serious piece of badassery, on par with Entebbe and the Bekaa Valley. Politics notwithstanding, when the Israelis go big, they go big.