Flash - You sound both brilliant and open minded?? It is interesting when folks at the Flag deck both understand and appreciate the Information WARFARE mission area (which elements are the CNO's top concern), while JOs are constraining themselves to the warfare disciplines we read about in history class. Successful business cultures have the juniors providing the innovative ideas and selling them to their seniors. You, on the other hand, find a way to turn the tables. I find it interesting that you try so hard to separate yourself from your IW brethren. Truth is you are one of us (and may soon have no choice as the GROWLER forces you to think lat transfer). When you really think about it, there is not much difference from what you do in the backseat than what we do. Being a warfighter is more of a mindset than anything else and a healthy one at that. Back to my kicking analogy, is Vinatieri an offensive weapon or merely a member of the supporting cast? No matter how you choose to answer, there is no denying he is a valued member of the team and is the supported instrument of choice in the right situation. Open your mind, there is room for us at the table and senior leadership continues to make more chairs available to us (demand signal for our skill set continues to rise even when the Navy is decreasing overall numbers). I have no doubt you are a great asset to both your community and the Navy, but please don't deny all of us the potential you might realize by letting go of your ego and acknowledging that other perspectives are equally (or better) compelling.