this is a list that another member sent me. she said she'd update me when she could about the list and what is/is not necessary and what might be missing. I hope it helps.
OCS list
Leave in car (depending on DI you will get to go to your POV on Sundays)
~Stay flow x 3 cans
~Heavy starch x 3 cans
~ Magic sizing (light starch) x 3 cans
~ hair spray (to hold creases)
~Iron (get a really good one)
~Phone and car charger
Other stuff
~ Tide pens x 4 (or more) (do not get bleach pens, they stain your whites)
~ Clear nail polish (for uniforms)
~ Black strap for glasses (you need to bring your own glasses too because you might not be issued BDGs for awhile)
~ Tweezers (for uniforms)
~ 6-8 pairs of white underwear (all white preferably, no gray strap on the top guys)
~ Cuticle scissors (for uniforms)
~ Atm card
~ 100-300 bucks cash (if you have it, bring 300, if not there is an ATM machine but no say in when you will be able to use it)
~ Checkbook
~ Toothbrush (2-3)
~ Toothpaste
~ Deodorant
~ 2 white towels
~ Wrist watch – black (mostly black is ok)
~ 6-8 white crew neck t-shirts (crew neck only)
~ Lots of white crew socks ( you can’t bring all in, but you will want a lot, you go thru them)
~ Copy of orders (5 copies)
~ Bring contacts if you have them (you can wear them when you are a candio)
~ 2 pairs of shoes
~ Alarm clock no radio
~ Stationary
~ Women bring swimsuit (dark colored)
~ googone (liquid, the other stuff won’t work, don’t get the gel)
~ Black Sharpee marker
~ soap and shampoo
Anything you can’t bring in with you when you start can stay in your car and you will be able to go out and get it later.
Little stuff like googone, the sharpee, tweezers etc…can be put into a black hygiene bag. You will be able to take this black hygiene bag with you.