Final Select SNA
Anything we're "really" going to need will be issued to us. The stuff in the list will be fine.
All the other stuff that I listed and what you find by perusing the site..are "nice to haves".
We will have an opportunity pretty soon to go to the Navy Exchange and purchase things that will be needed. I believe they will also issue some pain killers as well. That's why we cannot bring stuff with us.
Also, wear tennis shoes when you report, don't worry about civilian clothing really...if you "must", I guess bring a couple shirts and pants but we won't see them until we graduate anyway I suppose.
Oh, okay thanks. I have orthotics so how do I prove those were prescribed to me? I have my purchase reciept from the doctor I got them from but not sure what exactly I need to prove the were prescribed. Without the orthotics I won't make it through OCS. Not trying to be negative but my feet are messed up.