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JCS Chair Gen. Pace leaving in September


It's ALWAYS politics (read: power) and/or money. In this case ... politics triumphed.

So what's worth fighting for these days, anyway ... ??? The current administration is starting to resemble the second coming of Gerald Ford, at least for me ....


FERS and TSP contributor!
Navy Officers Better Suited To Lead Our Nation's Forces Over AF, Army, and Marine

Excellent article in today's LA Times commenting on the prevailing thinking that Naval Officers are simply better suited for senior strategic level command than our Army, AF, and Marine brethren.

Article goes on saying history seems to support this - and that Marine, AF, and Army Officers are geared more to winning the details of a ground campaign, but their training and culture might not be geared to large scale strategic leadership that DOD needs right now...

Thoughts? Is Gates right?


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
It seems that the civilian leadership at least thinks so. With Naval/Marine officers in the CJCS VCJCS, and in several high profile Unified Commands, the Navy/Marine Corps seem to be running the show for the time being.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Sea Change?

It seems that the civilian leadership at least thinks so. With Naval/Marine officers in the CJCS VCJCS, and in several high profile Unified Commands, the Navy/Marine Corps seem to be running the show for the time being.

Sure does look like a sea change (no pun intended) with "Naval" services getting the majority of 9 Combatant Commands after being minority for quite some time

PACOM - ADM Keating (second COCOM)
CENTCOM - ADM Fallon (second COCOM and 4th four star assignment)
SOUTHCOM - ADM Stavridis (youngest 4 star on the block; watch this guy for where he goes next)
SOCOM - ADM Olsen (first SEAL 4 star)
NORTHCOM - GEN Cartwright (next Vice?)

Interesting that Marines have been moving more and more into 4 star billets never available to them in past decade (they have now served as CJCS, VCJCS, EUCOM, CENTCOM, SOUTHCOM, JFCOM, and STRATCOM). Likewise, Admirals have also been moving into COCOM assignments traditionally held by other services as of late (SOUTHCOM, NORTHCOM, SOCOM, and CENTCOM)


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have discussed this in depth, I personally think that the current administration is trying to lay the blame for everything in Iraq with Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld named Pace to be CJCS, hence the reason he's going... Rummy is their scapegoat right now. Again, just my opinion.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
What's the chance the current vice CNO (aviator) will get it?

That all depends on what Gates thinks of him (and White House). Some people would call that politics, but SECDEF runs Dept of Defense and he gets to choose who gets the nomination.


That all depends on what Gates thinks of him (and White House). Some people would call that politics, but SECDEF runs Dept of Defense and he gets to choose who gets the nomination.

And THAT would be called .... what??? :D

Politics by another name??? Politics in uniform??? I'll call it politics. Unless rank competency now reigns @ DoD ... :D


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
And THAT would be called .... what??? :D

Politics by another name??? Politics in uniform??? I'll call it politics. Unless rank competency now reigns @ DoD ... :D

Not all politics...each service chief maintains their "stable" of flag officers and gets to nominate their candidate for top spots. SECDEF can interview whomever he likes and picks whoever he likes. Same process is used within the service for other flag positions on down to flag aide de camp and other positions. Top folks get to pick whomever they feel is best suited for position and perhaps more importantly, who they think they are compatible with (or vice versa). Politics? Not entirely, but it does get political as EVERY position above two stars is subject to Senate approval just like cabinet positions (and supreme court nominations) and that can get very political.


Not all politics......Politics? Not entirely, but it ... can get very political.
Sure, Joe ... sure ... :D

Remember ... Johnny Lehman was in my backseat once ... when even a 1.1 hour ACM "interlude" could get one an inquiry from his staff ... :D

*sigh* ... but as usual, my skills were lacking at this:



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Sure, Joe ... sure ... :D

Remember ... Johnny Lehman was in my backseat once ... when even a 1.1 hour ACM "interlude" could get one an inquiry from his staff ... :D

*sigh* ... but as usual, my skills were lacking at this:


Sometimes, the flag officer that gets the nod isn't a result of a direct political connection or interest, but rather because the question gets asked, "Will you support the administration without question?" A few gents have been ideal candidates, but their response was no so they were passed over in favor of someone who pledged blind loyalty.


Sometimes, the flag officer that gets the nod isn't a result of a direct political connection or interest, but rather because the question gets asked, "Will you support the administration without question?" A few gents have been ideal candidates, but their response was no so they were passed over in favor of someone who pledged blind loyalty.
Roger that ... one "exception" to the "system", as I see it (and there's others -- once in a while) ... is/was John Nathman. I'm sure he was "political" to the extent necessary, but he was also "rank competency" at its finest ... :) ... John is/was a good man, in or out of uniform.

The Chief

Not all politics....

Edjumecate me. Sounded like ALL politics to me. SECDEF said he was not nominating General Pace because the politicians (I would add media) would not tolerate it, having nothing to do with the Generals's performance et al.

While I recognize that SECDEF inherited General Pace and may want "his own man", fair enough and he does have the right, the mural that was painted was all political. I actually thought rather sad.

I quickly add that we, at least I, do not know, the view of General Pace in the matter.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Edjumecate me. Sounded like ALL politics to me. SECDEF said he was not nominating General Pace because the politicians (I would add media) would not tolerate it, having nothing to do with the Generals's performance et al.

I quickly add that we, at least I, do not know, the view of General Pace in the matter.

Decision to not renominate Pace was driven by politics and I haven't heard his view either, but I can't imagine anyone would want to be roasted by an opposition Congress using you as a pawn and subjecting your family to the spectacle on C-SPAN

The part I don't subscribe to as being totally political is civilian leadership deciding who they want in key Combatant Command positions and as service chiefs. Squadron COs pick who they want as Department Heads and Div/Branch Os and usually try to lobby for best talent for their squadron. This is similar to our civilian leadership selecting flag officers for nominations to top positions. the comfirmation process is certainly conducted by our democratic/political process, but selection and nomination process is no different than what occursd at much lower levels. If you consider that all political, then fine. I consider it a bit different and positions in civilian work/industry are hardly less so.