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jet pipeline

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
No its more like WTF is E-2/C-2? Nobody knows about the pipeline. The studs know more about than the IPs. Most people dont even know its a choice, either Jets, helos, P-3s. More people know about E-6s than E-2/C-2.

It's true that E-2/C-2 has virtually zero representation in the Primary squadrons... and it's a real shame. You get maximum exposure to P-3 and Helo, some exposure to E-6, and virtually nothing from everywhere else. I sure know a few guys that had it as first or second choice though. It was my second choice, being a fixed wing hooker was important to me at the time.


Well-Known Member
Not only do IPs hate that, but if teetering between 4s and 5s, they are more apt to give the 5 if they know you "need" it. Therefore...and this isn't always true...ALWAYS TELL THEM YOU WANT JETS. PERIOD. (is that redundant, because I DID put the period...anyway...)

I'll make sure to tell this to each and every one of your studs :D


Working Plan B
Dude....this is scary...I KNOW that guy! He was in Primary with me at Corpus. Funny, he didn't seem like a cheesed!ck then...
It's an honest attempt to make money. :confused:

There is no other "How-to-Guide" on becoming a military pilot out there.

Yes, the info is all out there (this board), but don't discount the possibility of merchandise potential in all of the knowledge of AirWarriors packed, organized, filtered into a pretty binding with a bow. No seaches, no "forum locals" that will try and eat your soul or taunt you, no hassle, no bum gouge. Just the "straight story" from a "real-live BTDT."

I was 14 when I first started to look into military aviation seriously. If I'd seen this stuff earlier, I probably would have shelled 20 to 40 bucks.

If you can get stupid, lazy, or ignorant people to buy shi!t from you that they don't really need, then more power to you.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
billthrill1 said:
Obvious reference to me. Brett, you’ve made it clear a handful of times that you enjoy sh*tting on me. Yet, I’ve never said anything mean back to you or to anybody else on this forum because I honestly just prefer to get along with people. Like I said, other than dumping on me (for some reason I am the chosen one) you seem like a nice guy because I’ve seen you help people out on the forum. So please just let me be. Honest request.

It could have something to do with your avatar being Chris Farley...whom people love to laugh at...just a thought.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
It's an honest attempt to make money. :confused:

There is no other "How-to-Guide" on becoming a military pilot out there.

It's not the fact that he wrote a gouge book. It's the cheesy ad copy in the text. Compare the tone of the ad with the tone of the aviator's posts in Air Warriors. That's why he's being a cheesed!ck.


I Can Has Leadership!
It's true that E-2/C-2 has virtually zero representation in the Primary squadrons... and it's a real shame. You get maximum exposure to P-3 and Helo, some exposure to E-6, and virtually nothing from everywhere else. I sure know a few guys that had it as first or second choice though. It was my second choice, being a fixed wing hooker was important to me at the time.

Its a bit different in VT-4 (and I'm assuming -10). We've got alot of COD/Hawkeye representation. Quite a few IPs are COD guys, and our skipper is an E-2 NFO, as well as some of the NFO instructors.



Well-Known Member
In primary, I had 1 C2 instructor, and he was SELRES.

0 Jet/E2 representation.

1 E6 guy.

Not that it affected my selection choices, but there was a lot of "Jet Hate" spread in primary by helo and P3 IPs. I got berated by a P3 SERGRAD (who had not even been to the P3 RAG) for wanting Jets and E2/C2 over his beloved P3, that he had not flown.

I think a true representative slice of the community as a whole in primary would be good.

Why are there NO(or very few) TACAIR/E2 pilots in primary squadrons?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Why are there NO(or very few) TACAIR/E2 pilots in primary squadrons?

Because it's not looked upon favorably, careerwise. Right or wrong, that's why. It always iritates me to hear people say they get the business by non-TacAir guys when they say they want TacAir. That's totally unsat. I'll tell you why I didn't want it, but I'm not going to say that you shouldn't want it. Alright, off the soapbox.
I think a true representative slice of the community as a whole in primary would be good.

Why are there NO(or very few) TACAIR/E2 pilots in primary squadrons?

Reason for this is simple.

1st-They are needed in RAG and TRAWING squadrons because of their carrier qualification and carrier experience. Main mission in TRAWING1/2 is to get students carrier qual'd. If you can't land at the ship you are no good to the Navy in tailhook aviation. They have experience and can teach the landing pattern...which is the main goal...the only real goal.

2nd-Manning issues. TRAWINGS are hurting for TACAIR/E2 pilots so sending them elsewhere hurts manning power.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I personally, not saying you're right or wrong, but from my experience, think this isn't true. For Marines, yes, moreso than the Navy side.

Ironically, I've seen more Marine TacAir guys at Primary than Navy. As BolterKing is saying, there's only so many to go around, and they're needed at the RAG and the advanced TRAWING, so Primary it's not exactly the best place for someone to go to stay upwardly mobile.

I'm rereading your post and mine. Perhaps you thought I meant TRAWINGs in general. I was only talking Primary.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I personally, not saying you're right or wrong, but from my experience, think this isn't true. For Marines, yes, moreso than the Navy side.

I'd say it holds true for Navy, otherwise you would see more of them teaching Primary.

Huggy Bear

Registered User
Because it's not looked upon favorably, careerwise. Right or wrong, that's why. It always iritates me to hear people say they get the business by non-TacAir guys when they say they want TacAir. That's totally unsat. I'll tell you why I didn't want it, but I'm not going to say that you shouldn't want it. Alright, off the soapbox.

It is not even so much a career thing but more the numbers game. If you look at helos and p-3s with 2-3 pilots per platform compared to tacair with one pilot per platform that is the difference. Tacair needs all of its pilots just to fill the FRS, Weapon School, TPS, etc. Helos and P-3s have all the pilots they need for those commands plus at least an equal number of bodies for other jobs. 'Other jobs', of course, being the Training Command. Advanced is the only place where they need some fighter/attack experience due to the bombing, ACM, etc.