RiseR 25
Well-Known Member
What are the chances to hear the results tomorrow? Side note, while coming back from vacation I saw two Navy personnel on the plane with me, one a CDR the other a Master Chief, I didn't have a chance to pick their brains however due to seating issues and to the fact that we were flying and I couldn't stand in the aisle and bother them. I regret not talking to them at least a little bit. Haha, lo and behold due to the most recent posts concerning NRD's Facebook pages I looked up mine. Guess what, they were the XO and the CMDCM of the region. Wish I would have introduced myself at least.
I personally met VADM Miller, Superintendent of USNA whilst going to a job interview in Ohio. From a distance I initially thought he was an O-6 and introduced myself, when I noticed that he did in fact have Admiral's stripes on his sleeves. Double whammy I saw the Wings of Gold and asked what he flew, to which he replied the S-3 and to which I responded "the Viking sir." That was not a bad day at all...