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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Well-Known Member
What did the age drop to? And what was it for active duty. I applied for the board and my package was pro-boarded as per the fleet processor, but I I was 29 when I submitted the package and I just turned 30 a few weeks ago.. Is Supply ruled out for me? What's the age for NFO?

AD was up to age 35, now the max age is 29 but you can be waivered month for month up to age 31 for AD time.


Just found out I got ProRec-Y for SNA, though I had to reach out to a different recruiter (long story, my dad PCSed during the process and I got stuck going with, I opted to stick with my original recruiter because I was so far along, now need a new one for MEPS and stuff down here). Kind of annoying, because I've now lost a week of time and I apparently only have 30 days to get through MEPS from when the selection was made last week, but at least I'm on track now. For anyone who's curious:

Male 24 non-prior
8/7/7/67 ASTB
2.63 GPA Penn State
BS-Mechanical Engineering Technology
5 LORs: 1 retired O-6 and former P3 pilot, 2 college professors (department head and program chair), 2 previous employers (including 1 ER doc)
1 Officer Interview: active-duty O-5, previous post CO of a Hornet squadron

Congrats to everyone who got selected and good luck to anyone still waiting to hear.


Naval Aviator
excellent documentary!! Go on HULU to watch it for free.
The part where they are at TopGun is awesome. I was just at NAS Fallon for VFC-13 most recent change of command and I gotta tell you the motivation I got from that place is tremendous. What they do with those F-5s is unreal.


Hey, for the SNA/SNFO Pro Y or N folks, I highly recommend watching Speed & Angels. It got me through the low times during the process and kept me motivated.

I "unliked" this just so I could "like" it again. Speed & Angels provides an in-depth look into the challenges involved in completing Naval training programs. Before the video was filmed, these pilots had already obliterated the next few steps in our process to becoming "Fleet Ready" Officers. Yet, they seem just as nervous.

The challenges and the anxiety we faced/will face throughout the selection process will explode during future training evolutions and will carry on as we progress throughout our career. What I love about this short film is that it shows what is possible when one draws strength from overcoming past experiences. The past obstacles they surmounted are the very same challenges we are about to face.

As daunting as our next step (re-applying, FS, and/or OCS) may seem, the training from the Navy and the gouge we will receive through shipmates (not "shipmates") will provide us with the training opportunities and experiences we will need to succeed past the next step and beyond.

We're about to snowball into awesomeness with a silver superimposed U.S.N!

Additionally check out AoA



Anyone hear from NRD Los Angeles? or NORS honolulu? am I that last person on earth to not know?


Can Do!
Random question, but PenguinGuy is wondering if one of the guys from his last ship got selected for SWO. Based on what i have heard here and over at USNavyOCS, there were only a handful of fleet sailors who got the nod. Any idea where there is a list? Or if anyone knows who all of the fleet guys were? I don't remember the full name but it was very Russian sounding and started with a K, maybe?

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Random question, but PenguinGuy is wondering if one of the guys from his last ship got selected for SWO. Based on what i have heard here and over at USNavyOCS, there were only a handful of fleet sailors who got the nod. Any idea where there is a list? Or if anyone knows who all of the fleet guys were? I don't remember the full name but it was very Russian sounding and started with a K, maybe?

Heard only 4 fleet guys made SWO.