Okay, following this board has nearly made me go insane... all this talk about no SNA/NFO/etc. boards until fy2011 and such. But I'm submitting my packet regardless. I'm scrambling to get all the pieces in by the 24th. All I really have to do is wait for LORs to come in and one possible interview/LOR from a Navy 0-7. But here's the rough & dirty of my packet:
Preferences> 1. SNA 2. NFO 3. Supply
GPA: 2.82 Univ. of Oregon (BA Business)
ASTB: 8/8/8 62
ASVAB: 93 (probably won't matter, not even sure why I took this)
PRT: sit (OH), push (OH), run (EL)
1 academic scholarship
HS athletic awards (captain, all-state track, etc.)
College rugby (2 years)
Plenty of extracurriculars including one office held (president)
Motivational Statement: touching and motivated
LORS: (I was told title was most important, so I have three Directors and a Dean)
2 professors (study abroad program)
2 family friends
1 US Senator (elated with this one)
Good luck to all! If anyone needs any help with their motivational statement, I'd be glad to help. It's probably too late for July applicants but I'm meticulous and love editing.