Daniel: Would you mind PMing me some more information about your OR?
Not name, of course, but NRD, rank, and as verbatim as you can remember some of the things you were told, especially if they served to demoralise you, or otherwise be unprofessional.
My first experience with a recruiter was horrible, and I languished for months until I finally put my foot down and asked for another. I even had to get an NRD CO (from an entirely different NRD) involved. I was polite, respectful, and not a "tattle-taler" of any sort, but I was also firm that I either be taken seriously or that I be told specifically I wasn't wanted.
I got my new OR. My new OR is awesome. We got more done in three months than I had been able to get done with my previous OR in a year. Since I basically had to restart the process with my new OR and redo a lot of initial paperwork, that says something.
With the support of two O-5s, one of them at Navy Recruiting Command, I am putting together anecdotes of less than stellar behavior by officer recruiters. There are people interested in what is happening on the "deckplates" so to speak of the officer recruiting experience. Your experiences are not unique, and that has some people concerned.