Anyone know why this is on my BOL selection results page… All I put was SNA on my app… Just a typo?
Status code: N – Not professionally recommended/Not best qualified by the community requested. Y – Professionally recommended for Interview. You have been recommended by the board to conduct a professional interview for the Seal program. Interviews will be conducted from...
Anyone know why this is on my BOL selection results page… All I put was SNA on my app… Just a typo?
Status code: N – Not professionally recommended/Not best qualified by the community requested. Y – Professionally recommended for Interview. You have been recommended by the board to conduct a professional interview for the Seal program. Interviews will be conducted from...
Interview board: "Tell us why you think you'll be an outstanding SEAL"Anyone know why this is on my BOL selection results page… All I put was SNA on my app… Just a typo?
Status code: N – Not professionally recommended/Not best qualified by the community requested. Y – Professionally recommended for Interview. You have been recommended by the board to conduct a professional interview for the Seal program. Interviews will be conducted from...
sticky grenades in Halo!
Status code: N.
It’s like your in my head!Interview board: "Tell us why you think you'll be an outstanding SEAL"
Snapp: "Well, I'm kind of scared of guns, blood, and loud noises, but I'm great at throwing those sticky grenades in Halo!"
Status code: N.
Pro Rec'd SNFO and SWO!!!!
23/m Non prior
2.7 UT Austin
71 9/8/8
a t-sip getting accepted? they must have lowered the acceptance bar this board.
jk... congrats man.
I was just getting into character... you know a SEAL board would never accept someone that doesn't know proper nomenclature for Halo weapons...plasma grenades... ftfy