That is just not true, the intel field is very small (limited openings), and also very selective. Like any other business, they put significant value on experience in Intel. Usually applicants with the desired background are active/prior enlisted from the Intel community. The "N" in ProRec -N, mean Non-select... not Non-qualified!Mitrokhin,
That's crazy...with a profile like that and still pro N, it makes you think that it seems like the IDC board in fact doesnt just care about "STEM degrees" high GPA and high OAR but indeed a whole package and needs of the Navy at the time of applying.
It IS NOT that the Nayy/Board doesn't value STEM Degrees, GPAs, or test scores, they simply put a great emphasis on field Intel experience. These facts should be realized by all Intel applicants prior to packet submission, as they are posted repeatedly in all the Intel threads.