Just curious...anyone who is up for June 07 officer selection boards, what communities did you apply to? I applied for SNA and NFO. Hoping to hear soon from either one.
I know people who applied and waited over 3 months to hear back. Therefore, not the slowest ever.Applied only for Supply.
I e-mailed Mr. Dych from CRNC (Apparently he's my processor?) Anyways, he said my package is at the boards (He e-mailed me with this info on June 4th). Then he said about 4-5 weeks until results come out.
This month has been the slowest ever...! Couple more weeks i guess?
Being a current enlisted, can someone tell me how they notify us of our acceptance? Did you learn it through your CMC, NCC, or CO?
ET3 Mack
They are out for SWO PILOT NFO
Congrats to those who made it!!!