I really don't have a dog in this fight, so don't take this the wrong way. If you are the type that wants to get abused for 1-4 years, why not go to one of the academies and get a fairly big-name degree out of it? Outside of TX no one cares about Aggies except other Aggies. Same for VMI outside of VA and Citadel outside of SC. Everyone in the country, and the military, knows about Annapolis, West Point, and USAFA.
Because I didn't have the grades to get into an academy and I figured I needed a good, swift kick in the ass to fix the grade problem and help me get through school. Frankly, I knew I did not have the self-discipline to go to a regular college at the time and having done well after a summer at a military high school I figured I might do well at a military college too. I was right and it worked, best grades I ever got were in college.
And with the exception some enlisted almost everyone I have served with knew about the Citadel, I think Shannon Faulkner helped with that one.