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King Kat opening 31OCT2008


Well-Known Member
99 AW,

The "King Kat" aka CubiCat2.0 will be opening on 31 October 2008 at the NAS Kingsville Club.

Charlie is 1800L. There may be numerous guests of honor. If there is not, at least you have me for entertainment.

Active Duty, Retirees, friends, family, are cordially invited to the lunacy that will commence when the first rider goes hook down.

Bar is open 1500-LPOD (Last Partier Out Door)

Cat will be up and running until people get sick of riding, or I run out of consumables.

Records WILL be kept of who trapped, who boltered, and who took the Deck Run vice Cat Shot.

Bring a change of clothes. You may be needing them.

We're working on T-shirts for those who trap, but I can't promise they will be ready.

Come be a part of restoring a fine Naval Aviation tradition.

Email casey.bates@navy.mil with questions or PM me here.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Will the "Cat" be around for other upcoming wingings/parties? If so, I wouldn't mind making the drive down to experience it first hand.


Well-Known Member
Current Schedule:

31 OCT 2008 NASK Halloween Party / King Kat IOC
06 NOV 2008 TAMUK Greek Week party
07 NOV 2008 Winging
~Mid-November TW-2 Reserve COC (I think its TW, may be 21 or 22s RC COC)


Is it baseball season yet?
Current Schedule:

31 OCT 2008 NASK Halloween Party / King Kat IOC
06 NOV 2008 TAMUK Greek Week party
07 NOV 2008 Winging
~Mid-November TW-2 Reserve COC (I think its TW, may be 21 or 22s RC COC)

Going after sorority girls? :D

Anyway- great job on all your hard work. I had never even heard of this tradition before all of you started talking about it on AW - so great job bringing it back!


99 AW,

The "King Kat" aka CubiCat2.0 will be opening on 31 October 2008 at the NAS Kingsville Club.....
This is so fine ... wish I could be there, just because ...

It's also a great name for the Kingsville follow-on -- "King Kat" a.k.a. CUBI CAT, part deux ... I vote YES !!!

Without tradition and tribute/hand salute to those who came before us ... what ARE we, anyway ... ??? :)


Registered User
My son is currently in a holding pattern at Corpus waiting for Primary. He'll be there. He may very well become the very first "second generation" Cubi Cat veteran.

Only after you get older do you realize how incredibly important these seemingly silly and stupid traditions really are. These are the things that will bind you all together. Even if you don't personally experience them, you'll all understand. Everyone go and be part of the inauguration.

And kudos to you MB, for your efforts and enthusiasm.


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Tradition is important

Shellbacks/Golden Dragon Initiations (et al), tie cuttings, and stuff that ties us to those that went before us are what it is all about, as others have said.

A tip of the hat to you, MB for your hard work. The design and construction are very impressive (the welds look great, BTW), and I'll bet there is going to be a great time at the grand opening. It really looks like a first class job. Looking forward to a video on YouTube.


Does not play well with others!™
Thanks for all the hard work on this MasterBates, I just wish I could take part in all the festivities. I just don't think they'd let this civilian in to the O club or on base for that matter. It's been too many years since I got out it just wouldn't happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get Flight Deck Jerseys made for the "Kat Krew" for the opening.

I have the following positions, and want to make sure what I get the colors/titles that most closely resemble their jobs on a real launch/recovery team:

Kat Officer: Guy who pulls the handle to fire the catapult.
Winch operator: guy who pulls the jet back into tension, and assists in getting the holdback and safety chains on
Shooter: Guy who does the dance and heckles
Hook Tech: Guy who re-arms the stick, hook, and up-lock after each run.
Recovery Team: 2 guys who grab the cart and pull it out of the pool and push it back to the catapult after "landing"
LSO/Heckler/Taunter/diffuculty level adjuster: Advises "nuggets" when to drop the hook, and sets the hook skip bumper to his desired difficulty level.
Light operator: Turns lights out for "night traps" and flashes them for "lightning traps"

Just want to get the basic colors right, and suggestions for "names" would be appreciated.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I just thought of an ADD-ON. How about some sort of IFLOS/Meatball for the LSO to control with a PICKLE switch.....and you have to have a White LSO float coat!

-ea6bflyr ;)


Lobster's Pop
I'm going to get Flight Deck Jerseys made for the "Kat Krew" for the opening.

I have the following positions, and want to make sure what I get the colors/titles that most closely resemble their jobs on a real launch/recovery team:

Kat Officer (Yellow Shirt): Guy who pulls the handle to fire the catapult.
Winch operator (Blue Shirt): guy who pulls the jet back into tension, and assists in getting the holdback and safety chains on
Shooter (Yellow Shirt): Guy who does the dance and heckles
Hook Tech (Green Shirt): Guy who re-arms the stick, hook, and up-lock after each run.
Recovery Team (Red Shirt): 2 guys who grab the cart and pull it out of the pool and push it back to the catapult after "landing"
LSO/Heckler/Taunter/diffuculty level adjuster (White Shirt): Advises "nuggets" when to drop the hook, and sets the hook skip bumper to his desired difficulty level.
Light operator (Blue Shirt): Turns lights out for "night traps" and flashes them for "lightning traps"

Just want to get the basic colors right, and suggestions for "names" would be appreciated.

My suggestions are added above. I'd also include a Purple Shirt (refueler) that gets the drinks for anyone that has an OK (that's OK underline for you non-tailhook types) pass.