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Left Hand Advatage


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh and there is the rub! What happens if you are in a tight spot while pulling pitch and things are not happening as you expect? Not all of us fly in a multi crew environment or on a big ramp. Better to expect Mr. Murphy to raise his head and start taking controls while you least expect it. He and I have been mortal enemies for over 50 years .....

"What happens if you are in a tight spot while pulling pitch and things are not happening as you expect?"

If you are referring to the controls being reversed, that would have been there when first taking off/taxiing, so the answer would be "put the collective back down and figure out what is going on."

If you are speaking in generic terms, then that is why you practice emergencies over and over and over, particularly in the simulator where you can have more exotic combinations.


Registered User
OK. I guess that is where I have been doing it wrong all these years. I'll have to go back in the sim and practice emergency maneuvers.
Ohh wait ...there is no sim for these helicopters. Dangit anyway. I guess I'll just have to keep doing it wrong for the next 9000 hours until I get it right. Hope I don't crash and burn in between. <gg>
Happy Holidays


is clara ship
If you are referring to the controls being reversed, that would have been there when first taking off/taxiing, so the answer would be "put the collective back down and figure out what is going on."

Not exactly the same thing but apparently these fine gents didn't notice the problem prior to rolling....
Columbus AFB T-38 Crash

It would be a very hard situation to be placed in I would think


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
O.K., Ace ... riddle me this:

I'm right handed ... i.e., I am right eye dominant, I "write" right handed, eat right handed, I shoot right handed, wipe my ass right handed .... but I play most "throwing" sports left handed ... and pool, tennis, racquetball, etc. and basically all the rest -- right handed.

So where's my "advantage" ??? :confused::)
Well Sir, this pretty much explains all of the "you throw like a girl"comments you have endured for the better part of your life:D


O.K., Ace ... riddle me this:

I'm right handed ... i.e., I am right eye dominant, I "write" right handed,
eat right handed, I shoot right handed, wipe my ass right handed .... but I play most "throwing" sports left handed ... and pool, tennis, racquetball, etc. and basically all the rest -- right handed.

So where's my "advantage" ??? :confused::)


Sorry you probably don't have one. Sounds like you're left brain dominant to me. Tennis, racquetball take more precision than most sports and you play those righty so there ya go. These studies usually refer to heavily dominant left handed people.
I always assumed that many aircraft were designed with a right-handed bias. Then again, it really doesn't matter to me - you always have your right hand on the stick and left on the collective in the 60.

And yes - I do have 3 hands (and a fourth), so copying any clearances or other shit is easy (having a copilot is sweet :icon_tong).


Uncle Pettibone
writing while flying = .001ish% of piloting... thus no composition class in flight school... as a nugget -2 or -4 you don't write much...WSO's or Copilots do that shit. If the jet is flipping upside down on an instrument hop because you are copying a clearance, you are a No Talent Ass Clown, having spent some time upside down in the clouds myself from time to time...:)