How about the Thunderscreech... so loud it made ground crew sick.
Sonic whispers?Here's a test on making quiet sonic booms.
I think that plane is over-compensating for something.
Im glad someone mentioned the XB-70, I always really liked that one and it would be impressive to see it in person. Here's my entry into the foray: Grumman X-29. Awesome looking aircraft with some really good performance, too.
It's very happy to see something.I think that plane is over-compensating for something.
They have one of the prototypes at the USS Alabama museum in Mobile. There's just something weird about seeing a Hornetesque airframe with the big trailing-link mains and drag link, launch bar nose replaced by something scrawny and Air Force-ish.Northrop YF-17, the precursor to the F-18.