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Look at those sheep?


Walking along a busy street in a safe neighborhood, your squadron mate is suddenly stabbed by a passerby. Unless you have trained, or have expected such a threat, this out-of-the-blue action leaves you suddenly in shock and disbelief – for just a moment, you are stunned. You are inactive. (It's the same theory behind those "flash and stun grenades" effective against hardened militants)

A Perfect example of disruption of the OODA loop.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
A Perfect example of disruption of the OODA loop.

Man, I would love to sit down and have a beer or two with Boyd if he were still alive.

As brilliant as he was, he hated the Navy and especially the F-14.

Nevertheless, given those frequent fantasy situations, ie, "who would you like to have dinner with ... ?" One of my answers would be Boyd.

Boyd, if he were alive, would rank right up there with me. [Well yes, there might be far more "magnificent" dinner partners that I could imagine - but Boyd's philosophy interests me. And my wife of some years woud kill me if I entertained dinner with some really other 'interesting' people. :eek: ]

The only question is, would Boyd and I be laughing and shaking hands after dinner, or duking it out?


Registered User
Tough to do when you are unarmed and facing an armed, suicidal maniac ...

Or simply try to wash your vehicle @ Auburn, WA. Make sure you bring your pistol to the car wash, however.

what part of auburn do you go to where you have to bring a pistol?


I bet if you cruise San Ysidro or IB, you could increase your odds. ;)


I agree those places are a target rich environment but I think I should be playing the odds fairly well just leaving the airport in El Cajon to go grab some lunch. That place is a potpourri of turds.



The Bystander Effect is important to remember as you go through life. Another good thing to keep in your head as you make decisions is the Milgram experiment, which, by the time I got earned my degree, I was sick of hearing about.


(edit: I hate to use Wiki as a source, but this is sufficient in this case.)

It's always important to keep your head, stay aware, and make your own decisions.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Ok, speaking of the "bystander" effect and all it's bs. Am I the only one who looks at the glass of stores to see who is behind me? I just feel like everyone else goes through their day like it's a fucking joke if they're not drunk or doing something w/ regards to getting drunk. I am always watching who is around me, and potentially freaksih if I see people past a block of where I am going. . .

NM: that I just got a ride home freoma complete stranger :D


Ok, speaking of the "bystander" effect and all it's bs. Am I the only one who looks at the glass of stores to see who is behind me? I just feel like everyone else goes through their day like it's a fucking joke if they're not drunk or doing something w/ regards to getting drunk. I am always watching who is around me, and potentially freaksih if I see people past a block of where I am going. . .

I just read your post about being waaay too drunk and making a mess of a guy's cab now you're getting freaked out about somebody walking in the same direction as you. Are you trying to make a funny?

You do what for work?

Inquiring minds want to know.



Well-Known Member