Active Member
Haha. Good post.I agree--street language and pop culture ought not dictate and totally influence the art of dictation.
I honestly despise this type of "writing"...just as I loathe people saying they are "good" rather than "well"...an English teacher had the audacity to say that this type of proper grammar is falling by the wayside--and so it should, he maintains, as language is intrinsically changeable. I then questioned his claim to a profession, if the English Language is constantly developing--why try teaching the rules of it? Why not allow pop culture to educate the masses?
How did this type of communication come to being? Did someone start the trend, or a group of friends? Hmmm...Wikipedia, here I come!
I heard something similar. That because so many are wrong now-a-days, we should all lower our English-standards to accommodate them; fore instance, changing the definitions of words and maybe even changing spelling words so that there will be multiple "correct" spellings for several words that people commonly get wrong. I say people learn to do it right or fall until they do, in class of course.