females ususally do better at curl-ups. our center of gravity is in our favor...or so I'm told. That's why there isn't really a difference between male and female curl-ups. Plus, the smaller your torso the shorter distance you have to go. My roomate, who was like 5' nothing, always maxed out the curl-ups and smoked all the guys. Upper body strength is a MUST at OCS. You are going to make yourself a HUGE target if the DIs or Chiefs catch you dropping your knees. I did once during Welcome Aboard (first week) and my Chief saw it. He stood over me and watched me, called me out every time we got dropped if I didn't have perfect form. That lasted for about 5 weeks until I got stronger than some of the other females. Believe me, you don't want that kind of attention. Do what it takes to get in the best physical shape possible before OCS. There only so much you can do to be prepared mentally, other than being determined, but you KNOW what you need to do physically and that will help with the stress when you're actually AT OCS. There is some good gouge about improving push-ups. See what works for you.