The prt grading scale is different, slightly lower for women on the push ups and run times. Doesn't mean women can't keep up or do the job.
When women have the same job rights as men in the military, then I will support using the same physical standards. Till then, the sexist prt crapola falls on death ears.
Ok, really??
I understand you're going for the Nurse Corps, but in the URL military, where jobs can get dangerous, it's a bit different.
The aircraft that is on fire doesn't care if you have breasts or not. It's not going to wait another 30 seconds to explode if you're female. If you're a slower runner, you're going to get FRIED. (extreme example, I know. But it illustrates a point)
"Slightly less" than the male standards? Really? 48 pushups is Outstanding high for women 20-24. For men it's 87. That's almost double! The MINIMUM passing score is 21 pushups! If you can't do 21 pushups, you are pathetic!
The run is over 2 minutes longer for the minimum passing score between men and women. Abysmal.
If women wanted to be treated as equals, they should be just as physically and mentally ready as the men! If you are, there will be no problem.
If you think OCS is going to accomodate female standards, you're in for a rude awakening. On the PRT, you may score fine, but those standards will put you in a WORLD of hurt for daily PT, Beatings (remedial PT when you screw up) and if you're the chick (or guy) always on her knees, whimpering, you will get NO mercy and will be singled out for being weak. Open your eyes and realize that while the rules on paper may be valid, OCS is another animal and life isn't always "fair" there.
If you're a nurse and going to ODS, fine. I can't speak about ODS. But for all the other OCS-bound women out there, read and heed!