Believe it or not Hal, I did derive laughter from that post. I've thought the same thing about the opposite sex at some point in my life...
Just to clarify for all you women feasting on my apparent "prissiness", so what I'm bummed to cut my hair to an aghastly short length. I just found out today about the realities of the situation, shock and surprise are not uncommon reactions..Don't you worry about me, I'm sure you would never be able to guess who I was in OCS based on who you think I am here...Oh yeah, I love my gucci sunglasses by the way.
I did not have to worry about the whole haircut thing since I am a guy but I was certainly worried about seemingly trivial things before attending OCS, just as eyzondapryz is. Not going to lie, if I was a girl I would probably be a little worried about the hair thing too. I don't think anybody here can truthfully say they did not worry about something that others might consider trivial or immature.
There is a thing called personal identity and in an ideal world ...
All-in-all it must be a life I want pretty damn bad because such a sacrifice speaks volumes...
Oh yeah and FYI I just made a "real" sacrifice by being honest about what I'm sure many females are concerned about in the face of predictable male banter.
it can get heated when someone questions your desires and personal opinions on what sacrifice is.
In the grand scheme of life, yes haircuts are not a sacrifice. But, in my life, right now it is some sort of a sacrifice.
The bottom line is (as stupid as it may be) cutting my hair to that degree would be a type of sacrifice for me and telling me to "rethink" my aspirations isn't for him to say, especially based upon one response.
I'll clue you in as to why it created a swarm of hornets. You repeatedly referred to a HAIRCUT as a sacrifice. A very large percentage of the user base here (male and female) are current and former Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, Army and Air Force pilots/NFO's/other communities. We get offended by referring to shortening your hair as a sacrifice, because we have served with (or will serve with in the near future) women the likes of Maj Tammy Duckworth. She knows what sacrifice is, and it sure as hell isn't a haircut.It's crazy how such a topic has created such a swarm of hornets...
well hal pilot, I'm glad your opinion on the matter grants you the authority to pass judgement on me..About sacrifice, maybe you should sacrifice your pride to learn how to spell...The only thing I need to rethink is how best to handle ignorant, macho comments such as yours..I'm more than ready, willing and able to give all that OCS and thereafter requires of me. Oh yeah and FYI I just made a "real" sacrifice by being honest about what I'm sure many females are concerned about in the face of predictable male banter..There is no "if I make it through", I'm making it and missing my long locks all the way through!
In case you don't know who that is, you can start your research on sacrifice here.Hey, it grows back...what's the big deal?
Does it really "define who you are"??? if so, you need to rethink if the navy is for you.
Getting a haircut sure as hell ain't a sacrifice.
You think this guy was worried about his hair?
Women complaining about a hair cut ~ Men complaining about the lack of porn. It's no big issue.
Same dude, same comment. IT IS NOT A SACRIFICE. If you think it is, you have no business being an officer in any branch of the military.... the whole "cutting the hair isn't a sacrifice" comment came from a dude... he has no idea. i think some people use this web site just to piss off other people. .