9. What is a 1MC? a headache
What are the best two words to come out of a 1MC? taps taps
11. Why are Air Force guys so ghey? (Just wanted to see if Huggy was paying attention.)
"they call them Aviators in the Navy, supposedly they are better than pilots" (from The Right Stuff)
13. What is the difference between the O-3 Level and the third deck?
One YOU walk all over, the other one walks all over YOU.
16. Why are some patches round, some triangles?
One is a circle made by NFOs one a circle made by pilots
18. What is a 'bosun?
they guy/gal who paints the ship
19. On the flight deck, who wears a blue shirt and a yellow float coat?
they guy/gal in coveralls who lost his yellow shirt
21. On the radio around the ship, who is "Tower" and who is "Bridge"?
Ones the tall guy, the other is the guy who won't get off his arse.
22. What is a single weight setting?
What you need to pass the PRT weigh ins
25. Why are Navy Pilots so damned cool?
you got me on that one....I can't think of a single cool thing.
