Yep, it's hard not to drink at the moment, especially with this coming weekend and my 24th bday...we'll try not to ruin all of my hard work up to this point.
I just started doubling my PT sessions yesterday, going from over an hour to almost three hours. Since I've become really frustrated with this the past month or so I've kicked up the intensity and have already noticed the benefits in weight loss, heart rate, blood pressure, and overall conditioning. I no longer have shin splints, my clothes are falling off (even though I've only lost around 8 pounds the fat's turning to muscle again...) and I can actually run hard AND breathe the focusing the frustration on the fitness is paying off. I'd just rather be getting paid to workout more and focus harder on class without the thoughts in the back of my mind of "am I ever going to get in?". But I can only imagine that it'll be more of the same to come with OCS, flight training, fleet, etc. Guess I need to get used to it and always bring my A-game whether it's time to or not...