I have not put any bad gouge out. You replied to my checking In posts with how I don't qualify and my package would be thrown out. I have simply responded with information on my current situation. I only offered to send you the CNP exception to policy as information. I wrote his office asking if the age waiver beyond the waiver time could be extended. I was on an extensive IA so he granted it. I do not simply know Captains who are giving me handouts. I have been putting my application together for over a year and a half with a lot of hard work. I drove two states away on leave to make a single interview happen. One of your responses to me asking if anyone heard anything was "OMFG" which was very deterring to read regarding your professional conduct. I do not have all of the answers nor do I claim to. I have got all of my information regarding waivers from the OCM's. I simply have picked up the phone and asked them. This would be something to take up with them if you have an issue with it. I'm more than happy to provide their email if you would like to dispute anything further about this. If you have any other questions please send me your email or phone and I would be happy to communicate this with you outside this forum. I wish everyone on here the best of luck. Thank you for your time.
PO1 Jenkins
yes you have, I have seen sailor after sailor that has tried and been denied for age waivers, specifically Supply/SWO/SNA, I have seen ones who were selected then it was realized they were over the age and their pro Y turned to pro N, I have seen guys get injured and rolled in OCS to then be over the age limit for SNA and then get the choice of being redesignated or go home.
FYI I have seen a Captain get pissed at a CDR because a person he wanted to waive was then rejected by NRC, the CDR won because he had policy on his side.
BTW technically your "50" on the OAR no longer exist, it is invalid, and that CAPT is violating NOMI policy, a policy he has zero control over.