Well-Known Member
As much as it pains me to say it, I'd say that the Army has better helos for high altitude.BUT: who has the better bag of Helo's for high altitude operations? Marines or Army?? I don't know -- I'm asking the experts herein ....
The CH-47 is obviously preferable, because it's got the god-awful power combined with a tandem rotor design (no concern about loss of tail rotor effectiveness). The CH-46 has the tandem rotor design going for it, but no power (you'd be able to lift a handful of dudes/cargo to that altitude). The CH-53E has no qualms going up that high, but they'd be more concerned about winds, etc...
Throw tilt rotors into the mix, and I'm not sure. I can't comment to the V-22's performance at altitude when in a hover. I'm assuming it's good - but I'll defer to phrogdriver on that one.
However, the best high-altitude helo has to be the Eurocopter AS-350.