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Marines want to move troops to Afghanistan?


Registered User
I have definitely heard rumors floating around about possible Afghanistan deployments for the Corps, my next deployment is a FAC tour so I am certainly hoping for Afghanistan, I figure there will be less restrictive ROE there.

With regards to the pack mule, we still maintain a mule handling course at the Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport. I guess that is still a viable way to get a M-2 reciever up a 10,000 foot peak.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
The Marine Corps expertise that surpasses the Army is in the conduct of a counter-insurgency campaign. The Marine Corps wrote a manual many years ago called "The Small Wars Manual", some of it is outdated (it talks about how to properly load out a pack mule) but most of it is still valid. The Marine Corps dusts it off every year or so to make sure that they're still validity in it. That combined with the fact that it's a smaller service, so they can more readily adapt new TTPs is their strength in these theatres.

15th MEU was using the pack mule portion recently (see below) so don't think that part isn't relevant.


USMC photo


MOUNTAIN WARFARE TRAINING CENTER BRIDGEPORT, CA, (October 23, 2007) -- Marines with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit and Combat Logistics Battalion-15, complete the final hike of the mule packing class here. Throughout the course, the Marines were taught how to saddle, pack and care for their mules. Furthermore, the Marines were taught how they would employ their mules in a combat environment.

Horses, too!


USMC photo


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein

I swear I have heard that somewhere around here :D


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
...I figure there will be less restrictive ROE there.
Now Jones family here's your chance to steal. We asked a hundred people this question, and have the top ten answers on the board: "Name a benefit of real-time BDA through the introduction of UAVs to the battlespace has brought to modern warfare....10 seconds."


Ask me about ninjas!
How about, "The DASC guys get live Predator feed to cut the boredom?"

After two days straight of MCPP and pissing various senior Officers off, I say, "Fuck it, I'm goin' to bed."

Semper Jump Jet

Ninja smoke...POOF.

The 60 does a pretty good job up to certain altitudes. My guard unit has done some OGE hoist rescues as high as 12500. The problem with some of our sixties is there equipment load. The exra power is basically marginalized ( think 160th)
Externally the L model can handle 9000. The A model 8000. I'm not sure what a 46 can handle but I've heard 5000. The max gross on a 60 is 22,000 and take off weight is usaully in the area of 15500.

It's likely the MEU will go into the upper Helmund valley, so altitude won't be as big of a deal... only 2-3000 feet and the mountain chains aren't as high until you head up north. Picture the Tucson area... I think even a beat-up Phrog could handle that.