Thanks nba1290! I was lucky to get out on time as much as I changed my major. Yea I have been busting ass in gym and getting ready physically, which is something I already had a passion for being that I played college ball. Honestly, I have found reading much more enjoyable as I entered my last semester. And yea, it is very weird not knowing that you are going back to school in a few months. I already miss the hell out of it and want to go back right now (not the school, just the people). I have a good feeling about these boards so yes **KNOCK ON WOOD** a few times.
twobecrazy, I know how you feel about the May boards haha. But I have just gotten so many different perspectives and the majority of them have been on the brighter side. For instance, I was on and I pm'd the guy that was the detailer and was giving all the updates being that he worked there and was part of PERS-41. Here is what he wrote me back in response to my question on whether or not the boards were going to be held or delayed for that matter;
From the reports I've seen, Navy Recruiting Command is continuing the OCS boards without interruption.
So along with the other info I have received, this is why I remain to be optimistic.