MEPS DQ'd me without even examining me because of 'fainting spells' I had when I was a kid. I provided pleanty of documentation and a letter from two different doctors saying that I'm ok now.
Any suggestions on how I can get a waiver? I am going to schedule a re-test of an exam they did on my a number of years ago called a Tilt Table Test. Hopefully if I pass showing that this is no longer a problem (which the doctors said I would grow out of) that I'll be good to go with MEPS.
After being DQ'd for acid reflux in 2006, I wrote a "super man statement" saying how I have been fine, and able to fly and play sports. If that doesn't do the trick then I will send in the medical documentation.
My advice from my OR was to not throw everything I have (doctor's review and superman statement) at once, because its good to always have more to fight with.
I am not sure how that works in your case, but make sure you get a doctor to back up every word you say.