Maybe it's different on Papa Threes, but there's a lot more blurring of the lines amongst the air crew. Things are still professional as far as who's in charge, but I don't think I've ever used Petty Officer -----, set 4600 shaft horsepower. It's usually more like "hey grabass, set forty six hundo for me when you're done shooting the shit on ICS." Nicknames and callsigns work on the plane, and as long as they don't interfere with professionalism in the spaces I don't think there's a problem with a crew being close. The problems come up when people who may know more than you do about x, y, or z think that their technical expertise overrides your positional authority. You'd be a dumbass not to listen to their advice about the things they know, but the minute they cross into your area it's time to drop the hammer, and the other O's should back you on it.
Naw, that's about how it is in our land too... and how it should be. I'll use a last name or a nickname for an A dub, but first name is unduly familiar (and of course has been specifically addressed and verboten by our front office, as well it should be).
And I'll admit there are times where I don't correct a disregarded salute, and that's on me. My bad for certain. But working on an air force base.... I would be busy ALL DAY walking to/from the NEX/Commissary/everwhere correcting Airmen. Literally 20% of them will salute if you walk by them neutrally. I can get most of them now by staring into their eyes directly with a look as if to say "well??" and most figure it out. Also found that saluting first clues them in and they fumble out a quick greeting and salute.
I just don't get it. If you are working directly around another service, wouldn't it make sense to learn clues on who to salute? Our rank on our flight suits is identical. Bars, oak leaves, eagles and stars are all the same. Gold is Brown, Silver is blue. Can't be that fucking confusing. And even if the uniform is unfamiliar... shiny bars should be a fucking clue, which leads me to believe they honestly are ignorant about saluting officers, or officers of other services or something. I don't get it. Between that and them calling their senior enlisted (not to mention OUR Es too) sir/ma'am... I am clueless.