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Military Aircraft at Airshows


Registered User
Hello, I am kind of curious about how aviators of each service attend airshows for static displays or whatever and how often they are allowed to go for each service. Im just kind of curious about how that plays a role in a military aviators life because at alot of airshows there are tons of military static displays.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
For the Navy: There is a list of Navy-approved airshows that come out each year. If there is an asset (aircraft) available and funding (hotels, cars, etc.) too, then it is usually a good deal. There are very strict rules about "flying" in an airshow. Being a static bird is usually sticking the junior folks with the bird, while the more senior folks wander or do something completely non airshow related. These days there seems to be more airshows than available assets.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Like once a year, maybe. It depends. If you take the initiative to coordinate a hook-up, you can probably go to them on a semi-regular basis, every few months or so, but taking a multi-million dollar aircraft isn't like getting the keys to dad's car.

However, go to be a flt school IP and you can fly to as many as you want in a TH57, 34, 44, etc.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
phrogdriver said:
Like once a year, maybe. It depends. If you take the initiative to coordinate a hook-up, you can probably go to them on a semi-regular basis, every few months or so, but taking a multi-million dollar aircraft isn't like getting the keys to dad's car.

However, go to be a flt school IP and you can fly to as many as you want in a TH57, 34, 44, etc.
For that matter, most COs will let you take a jet pretty much anywhere in CONUS for the weekend, assuming there are jets available. Taking a bird on the road provides valuable training that you can't get while operating from home plate - makes you think about different things and plan differently. I recommend frequent X-Cs for all the enterprising up and coming JOs.



It must be cool being a pilot at an air show. I know it is as a CAP cadet. Just something about wearing the uniform in front of the general public.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
Or a pain x for those that don't care about it. I had to sit at a static display yesterday and loved it, but then again I only worked for an hour. And besides, I was woken up at 7:45 to be there at 8...fun times. And for all those that are interested, there's an air show today starting in an hour. So if you're in the area, stop on by!


Super Moderator
Later in your JO career, you may get the opportunity to fly in an air demo team for your community. I was the wingman for the 2 plane S-3 demo team in 2003 and it was awesome. We flew the demo at several major airshow and had an absolute blast. We flew at the Dayton International Air Show, the Nova Scotia Air Show, & the Jacksonville Sea & Sky spectacular. Unfortunatly some of our other shows were cut for operational reasons. We were tentatively tagged to fly at the Paris Air show, but that was the year that the US decided to "abstain" from any air demos at Paris. We were going to promote foreign military sales of the S-3.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
Yeah the COD wasn't invited to this air show. Ah well. It wasn't such a bad show... Tigers loved it I'm sure. I'll have to check my camera for the supersonic flyby...see if I got any good shots. Now it's back to the usual...aka browsing airwarriors.com


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
It must be cool being a pilot at an air show. I know it is as a CAP cadet. Just something about wearing the uniform in front of the general public.

You would be surprised how quickly a simple air show X-C can go south.

I've done my share and until it's safe on deck; usable fuel, diverts, runway conditions, challenging weather, ATC, PPRs, contract fuel trucks, and good old boy linesman can make it very interesting.

Still getting out to a small show in the heartland like Muskogee Davis in OK or Gunniston Airport near Crested Butte, makes it all worth while.

When in the VT and FRS world always look to try and get Xs on a X-C. Usually a lot easier on the stud as the instructor is on new ground as you travel, too.

"V-124/101 FRS Instructor X/C Whore"


AllAmerican75 said:
Just something about wearing the uniform in front of the general public.

I've never seen anyone at an airshow in uniform (aside from CAP and Sea Cadets). The closest to it is the air force guys wearing their pisscutters, but even then, everyone's sporting flight suits.
In the Nellis '03 air show, VX-9 brought a Rhino down and the pilots left the squadron's Stash Ensign to watch over the A/C and sell Geedunk while they wandered about, and even he was in a bag.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I'm sure you mean "uniform other than a flightsuit". Bags still count.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Though the COD is very unimpressive looking, flying, handling, etc....once we open it up to the public, it becomes a nightmare. Nothing like handling stupid, stupid questions over and over. Some people have attitudes and know more than you, period. I suppose most people are respectful but those few dorks can make it painful...........and do.

Luckily we have hero's like kmac that can handle that sort of thing though :D


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Or God forbid you somehow find a way to keep the interior of a large aircraft cool(er). Next thing you know every slack jawed yokel (yes I mean Cletus) has set up camp in your plane complete with wife-sister and 3 runny nosed, dirty diaper wearing, circuit breaker pulling crap machines.

Or morons who think yellow "restricted area" tape means "please come smoke under this big shade providing wing..." FULL OF FUEL...

I AM the guy who tells John Q Public it's time to get out. And bring hot chicks next time.

(man I love airshows)