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Military Aircraft at Airshows


damn homeowners' associations
zab1001 said:
I AM the guy who tells John Q Public it's time to get out. And bring hot chicks next time.

(man I love airshows)

Seriously, but I have seen hot chicks at many of the airshows I've been to. But you can never have too many.


Pretty girls ... and nasty old men, too. I went to one once in the A-6 and some old guy, all stooped over, spitting tobacco all over the ramp ---- nearly spit on my boots --- came up and said: "Sonny --- did you build that thing??"

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Took the T-45 cross country, landed at Texarcana for some gas. Guy asked me if it was a "Jayhawk". Ok, people mess up aircraft names all the time. "No sir, it's a T-45 Goshawk, based on the British Hawk". Then asked how much we paid for it. He thought we were civilians, even though it says "NAVY" on the side of the aircraft. Told him we were US Navy... he had a dumb look on his face after that. The shame of it was, he was a pilot himself of one of the bizjets on the tarmac.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
bunk22 said:
Some people have attitudes and know more than you, period. I suppose most people are respectful but those few dorks can make it painful...........and do.

Anytime I ever waited in a line to see something, I always had THAT dude in front of me. I also had to sit next to some crazy hag telling everyone that the reason that the Blues switched to the F-14 is because the F-16 had too many crashes. Completely serious on that one. :eek:


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Hmm . . .


Well, they're both orange and white and they both fly. So I can see how he was confused.


damn homeowners' associations
Well they both are orange and white and fly, how much more similar can you get? :icon_wink

As I read the line under the picture, I saw that had been posted already. Man am I dumb.


zab1001 said:
Or God forbid you somehow find a way to keep the interior of a large aircraft cool(er). Next thing you know every slack jawed yokel (yes I mean Cletus) has set up camp in your plane complete with wife-sister and 3 runny nosed, dirty diaper wearing, circuit breaker pulling crap machines.



A friend of mine took an F-9 X-Country while a STUD. They stopped for fuel at Buckley ANGB, I believe. Maybe Hill --- anyway, a familiar Air Force refueling stop for Navy and Air Force birds going X-Country.

They parked next to some shiny new T-38's on the transient line --- and the AF crews were giving them some grief about the chunky, chubby TF-9 .... it went something like this .....


Already knowing the answer, one of the AF weenies, looking freshly shaved and resplendent in his tailored flight suit and scarf said (of course) :

"Hey Navy, can you go supersonic in those flying dump trucks??" Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah -Har-Har-Har .... a cacophony of laughter came from the AF weenies --- jackals and hyenas all .....

My buddies Instructor, climbing back into the cockpit and looking sweaty and tired and much like a "dump truck" driver in his green bag (the old ones --- zero fit) and torso harness/g-suit --- took one look at the zoomies --- paused and walked out onto the wingtip of the TF-9 .... whereupon he jumped up and down 4-5 times on the wingtip and asked:

"No, but can you A-holes do this with those tinker-toy jets???"

No further laughter came from the Air Force side ....... case closed? :)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
gregsivers said:
Seriously, but I have seen hot chicks at many of the airshows I've been to. But you can never have too many.

I'm in the Midwest, doing a relatively big airshow. Well, I'm under the wing in lawnchairs with my 2P and senior Flight Engineer. It's about 90 degrees in the tube, and I have the 3P, junior FE, TACCO, and radar operator giving the tours, helping people up and down the ladder. For some bizarre reason (probably because we weren't charging spectators for an interior tour, like the Confederate Air Force guys) we had a HUGE line of people waiting to see the vintage 1975 classic we'd flown in.

Then I spot 'em. Two hotties, waiting in line. Time to make the command decision. I zip up to the flight station and tell the 3P it's time for his break. Now ol' boy knows me too well and says "Right, there must be some chicks in line, well fvck you too..."

So the ladies come up and start asking me questions. The "lesser of the two" is sporting a huge rock, so I focus on her partner. She points to the FE chair and asks "is this where the NFO sits?" JOKINGLY (ok, maybe not so much) I reply "Right, like I'm gonna let an NFO sit in my flight station"

Icy stare.

her: "Why??? What's wrong with NFOs?"

Immediately I realize she's either the gf, wife, sister, or friend of an NFO.

"I was just accepted to OCS with an NFO contract"

I try to remove my foot from my mouth, apparently no joy. She asks where our NFO is, I say "Go back in the tube and look for the guy who should be playing Dungeons and Dragons"

(No joke, this guy had 1 inch thick glasses, gut, Professor Frink type)

As we're closing up the plane I ask the NFO if he wants to go drinking with us and the German Air Force types we were hanging with. "No, I have a date with that blonde"


Fast foward to the next night, 11pm, getting ready to rack out for my 5am wake-up to fly home. Cell phone rings.

"Is this (zab)?"
"This is (blonde from day before). Why didn't you go last night? I wanted to hang out!"

APPARENTLY, old girl had talked to the NFO and set it up so that he and the 3 pilots on the crew would meet her and 6 of her friends at a strip club to celebrate a birthday. THIS motherfvcker doesn't tell ANY of us, and rolls solo. COMPLETELY sells us out. To add insult to injury, I later saw the pictures...let's just say none of them were 'business class'.

The moral of the story is (a) don't make fun of NFOs, and (b) don't trust NFOs. Karma is a motherfvcker.


Registered User
Ive read some great stories so far, keep them coming. The one with the blonde was great(not for you, but entertaining) and so was the one with the Air Force guys.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
bunk22 said:
Makes sense now!

You guys are punks, both of you. BUT.... the real story is that my dad went to an air show at Mugu, met up with a Hummer driver and told him that I was going to the Rag. He calls me up and says "Hey hold on, I've got someone for you to talk to.....<new voice> hello this is LT ****.... from VAW-112." He actually called me up just so I could talk to an E-2 pilot. I was truly a bit confused. Turns out the guy was pretty cool and I saw him around quite a bit at the Rag. I'm not THAT guy, but I guess my dad is darn near one himself.