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More bases added to BRAC? Oceana?


Retired and starting that second career
Yes, Oceana was added. There is huge encroachment issue due to home building in Virginia Beach.

And BRAC does not equal closure. Base Realignment and Closure.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
SteveG75 said:
There is huge encroachment issue due to home building in Virginia Beach.
Wait you mean there's gonna be jet noise if I build my house next to the Master Jet Base? WTF!

I would hate to be the guy who has to deal with the retards who complain about things like that. These people need some sense beat into them with an aluminum bat... like in the end of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back".


DCA "Don't give up the ship"
For my money I don’t think they are actually going to close the base. First and foremost they don't have anyplace to put the planes! There has been talk of moving all the squadrons to an air force base. But I don’t think that will fly, I don’t think the CO's are going to want to have to play by air farce rules. What I do think will happen is that one of the members will say " If you want Oceana off BRAC then I want base X off". Now that wouldn't surprise me in the least.


The Chief doesn't like cheeky humor...at all
Just out of curiosity, who is the guy on base that has to deal with noise complaints? How does one avoid getting that job?


Active Member
Ryoukai said:
Just out of curiosity, who is the guy on base that has to deal with noise complaints? How does one avoid getting that job?

Those are handled by the NAS Oceana "Whitehouse" staff. I actually saw the stacks of complaints about a year ago. An LNC and 3 assistants were categorizing and filing them. I was amazed at the volume, there were multiple stacks of paper, at least a foot in height each. I think they told me at that time there were over 60,000 complaints filed. Many were repeat gripers though.


Registered User
Ryoukai said:
Just out of curiosity, who is the guy on base that has to deal with noise complaints? How does one avoid getting that job?

I bet that guy has to constantly resist the urge to tell the complainers to "F*ck off". :icon_smil

I live spitting distance from NAS Fort Worth, and CONSTANTLY have USN and USMC F/A-18's, USAF F-16's, and Lockheed test F-16's hauling ass over my house. Doesnt bother me one bit. Its the sound of freedom. :D

I've even had the pleasure of seeing Isreali and UAE F-16's in person. Quite a treat.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
I'm willing to bet the people who b!tch and cry about jet noise are the same geniuses who will be wondering "why has the housing bubble burst in VA Beach?" if Oceana gets shut down...


damn homeowners' associations
Falcaner said:
First and foremost they don't have anyplace to put the planes!

You'll get a kick out of this one then. In the paper here today they quoted Hill (one of the BRAC guys) as saying the Kingsville has ample ramp space to bring all the planes here, and that Ingleside has a berth for a CVN. Who saw that one coming?


New BRAC additions may benefit area bases
Kingsville, Ingleside could add positions if Virginia site closes

By Tara Copp Scripps Howard News Service
July 20, 2005

WASHINGTON - The BRAC commission voted to add eight recommendations to the 2005 base closure list Tuesday, and will now spend the next 20 days racing through new data to see how many total bases it will support closing.

The commission has the power to add or remove bases from the Pentagon's 2005 recommendations, and at a Capitol Hill hearing Tuesday, it deliberated and voted on 12 additional recommendations that the Pentagon had not listed. Seven of nine commissioners had to vote in favor of adding a closure recommendation.

Decisions made Tuesday potentially could impact both the Coastal Bend and Abilene, as the commissioners consider alternatives to the Pentagon's recommendations.

For the Coastal Bend, it looks for now that commissioner James Hill's visit to the area's bases in early July has paid off. In commissioner deliberations Tuesday about whether to add Naval Air Station Oceana, near Virginia Beach, Va., to the closure list, the commissioners heard testimony from senior BRAC analysts that supported the move, and Hill suggested that Naval Air Station Kingsville, and Naval Station Ingleside could step in as replacements.

The analysts pointed out that Oceana is the busiest master jet base in the nation, but that the heated real estate market in the Virginia Beach area surrounding Oceana has caused local officials to override Navy objections to new condominium and housing construction, which has cut into training quality.

"There's more than ample ramp space at Kingsville," to house Oceana's jets, and "there's berth space at Ingleside to put a carrier there," Hill said.

There's more, but I didn't copy it all


damn homeowners' associations
TurnandBurn55 said:
I'm willing to bet the people who b!tch and cry about jet noise are the same geniuses who will be wondering "why has the housing bubble burst in VA Beach?" if Oceana gets shut down...

That, and "where did all the money go?" Tax revenues will plummet, then they'll blame the Navy I'm sure.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
It's something that looks good to a bean-counter... but we can't move every jet base every time the locals start whining... F-14s move from Miramar to Oceana... F/A-18s move from Cecil to Oceana... Rhinos move from Oceana to... ??? What happens when we find out "oops, that location has turned into a semi-prosperous city with self-important yuppies who own expensive homes and cry about jet noise"? Move it to the sh!ttiest locale in the country where NOBODY else would want to live?

And yet the same politicians who come up with these brilliant ideas are the guys who shake their heads and gnash their teeth and wonder "What can we do to improve recruitment/retention numbers?" Derka derka...


Registered User
Just some FYI, Captain Keeley has to deal w/ the nightmare of telling these people to F Off politely...


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
TurnandBurn55 said:
Move it to the sh!ttiest locale in the country where NOBODY else would want to live?

Hey, the Air Force has done all right for themselves with that strategy. Minot, North Dakota, anyone?


DCA "Don't give up the ship"
What I find funny is that we closed Cecil field. Now if it was still open it could of been a place to move all the jets from Oceana but now that is not a option. It would cost way too much money to move it their now. Funny how that works out?!


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Cordespc said:
Those are handled by the NAS Oceana "Whitehouse" staff. I actually saw the stacks of complaints about a year ago. An LNC and 3 assistants were categorizing and filing them. I was amazed at the volume, there were multiple stacks of paper, at least a foot in height each. I think they told me at that time there were over 60,000 complaints filed. Many were repeat gripers though.
What are they supposed to do? Send out a hand written appology for each one? If I were in charge (clearly a bad idea), I would check them to see if any aircrew had blatantly violated SOP, noise abatement, etc, then sh!tcan the other 99.5%.
