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More bases added to BRAC? Oceana?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Best part is, a lot of complaints are by RETIRED NAVAL AVIATORS WHO WERE STATIONED AT NAS OCEANA. I swear, if that's not the ultimate in dumba$$ery, I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
phrogdriver said:
Hey, the Air Force has done all right for themselves with that strategy. Minot, North Dakota, anyone?

No joke! When Grand Forks AFB was announced on the BRAC list the whole town practically rioted. Of course this is a crappy little town where half of the population is from the base and the other half is from the college...


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
When I was at Miramar in the late 80's, we had problems with noise complaints...

So we're out flying FLCPs one night in August on 24L. If you extend off the left too far you overfly the edge of La Jolla, so we always tried to keep it close. In any case, under the turn to crosswind is a mobile home park. Clearly the sweetest location in San Diego, right up against the landfil/dump. Quality residents...you know.

I'm flew with "Leroy" a former Blue Angel in the FCLP pattern for about a .8 and we land and go back up to our ops office in Hangar 3 to do some paperwork before heading home...it's about 2200 now.

Our ops office phone was x4278, base ops noise complaint hotline was x4287...

Ring, ring....he answers politely. As I watch he starts to roll his eyes and finally can't take it and just goes high and right on this person on the other end.

"Ma'am, how long have you lived in your trailer?...Was the base here when you moved into the trailer? Did you think it was going to get quieter next to a jet base? What kind of an idiot would move into a trailer next to an airbase that's been there for 50 years and then ***** about the noise?..."

I guess she thought she got the noise complaint hotline...oops.

He did what everyone wanted to do just told her off and hung up on her. So much for community relations...that bridge was scorched to cinders.

He's been flying for Delta since '92.


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Schnuggapup said:
Ring, ring....he answers politely. As I watch he starts to roll his eyes and finally can't take it and just goes high and right on this person on the other end.

Is that a reference to how automatic weapons like to recoil up and to the right? If so, you rule.


NOT a flyboy
Just read today...they added NPS and DLI Monterey to the BRAC list. I think they want to combine the Navy NPS with someplace else. That's too bad because Monterey is a great place.


Seven years of college, down the drain.
Love that trailer park logic, it's a white trash world.

That real estate bubble comment earlier was right on. Oceana is the largest employer in Va. Beach. That would be a sweet reality check. Close Oceana, watch your property values realign with reality. It's like Abilene, Oklahoma in the late 1800's. Tired of Texas cowboys stirring up trouble in their town, a group of land speculators, buisnessmen and citizens wrote petitions and banned them. A year later, as the cities economy imploded, they begged the Texans to return with their cattle, but Texas said no thanks chumps. Gotta take the "bad" with the good.

I still vote for buying Cecil back. That was the stupidist thing ever done (thanks Senetor John Warner). Cecil was/is a great field. It was also a "Master Jet Base" like Oceana. Its got better runways/dual splits with one 12,000'. It is also out in the middle of nowhere and has a great OLF 7 miles north which provided great night FCLP training. It was a political power play to close it and keep Oceana. But now that it is water under the bridge, and Cecil will likely not be an option, might as well keep Oceana open and stick it to the local gripers.


Registered User
Say it with me now, "Naval Master Jet Base, Naval Air Station El Centro" cuz that and Yuma are going to end up being the new Fightertown, etc..., until Yuma gets too big....

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
msdowns said:
Say it with me now, "Naval Master Jet Base, Naval Air Station El Centro" cuz that and Yuma are going to end up being the new Fightertown, etc..., until Yuma gets too big....

Doesn't sound smart to put all of our fighter/attack aircraft on one coast.


Fly Navy said:
Doesn't sound smart to put all of our fighter/attack aircraft on one coast.
Especially if we put them in range of a future ballistic missile threat ??? Maybe that's too radical thinking (?) --- but Yuma, El Centro, etc .... what do they all have in common? Minimal encroachment and good airspace --- that's what counts today.

BTW ... the city wheels in Oak Harbor are buzzing about the EF-18 coming here --- supposedly "for sure" ... we'll see. I hope so ..... if for no reason other that to have the Commissary/Exchange for the next 20 years ... :)

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Electronic Warfare Jets To Be Based At Whidbey

By Seattle Post-Intelligencer Staff

Spared the ax in the 2005 round of Pentagon military base closings, Whidbey Island Naval Air Station now has been selected as the home of the next generation of electronic warfare attack planes.

Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Wash., whose district includes the air station near Oak Harbor, said the Navy's decision to put EA-18G jets at the base to replace the aging, Vietnam-era "Prowler" jets "ensures the future of Whidbey and strengthens its role as the central hub of our Armed Forces electronic warfare missions."

The defense appropriations bill in the House contains $310 million for the first four EA-18G jets, Larsen said. The EA-18G, is a variation of the F-18 Super Hornet fighter.

Whidbey is also expected to see its missions increase, having been designated by the Pentagon this year as home to a fleet-readiness center.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
A4sForever said:
Especially if we put them in range of a future ballistic missile threat ??? Maybe that's too radical thinking (?)

I'd rather save the money on the base and spend it on ballistic missile defense, that keep a bunch of bases open, hoping for redundancy.


I still can't believe Miramar is not on the list. There have been rumors for years about them closing it. If they closed Oceano and moved it to Yuma nobody would want jets. I can see it now what desert would you like. Fresno or Yuma.